ibiza 2007 season blowout - closing party reviews (continuous)

thanks everyone :D

i did work here. read about it in my all-season review which i'll post sometime in the next few weeks.

Hmmm. I think I'll send you an email at some point to get the low down. Is definately something Ive wanted to do since I was 18. I think it might be difficult workwise to take that amount of time off or quit my job in the uk but is def something I want to look into
:eek::eek::eek: i didn't know i can see the future back in october :eek::eek::eek:

Some more thoughts about dc10, if I may add. For the closing, all 3 areas were full from about 9pm onwards and generally through the season, dc10 was always packed. So…dc10 surely IS successful. And still, every year you hear the same rumours – it will be shut down. This year even more as we could read the place hasn’t the correct licenses and, sobretodo, the district of San José is now planning to adapt the law which is already valid for the district of San Antonio, which forbids the clubs to stay open during the day. This would mean no more afterhours, neither at space nor at dc10. but does it mean no more daytime parties at all? We’ll see. I could imagine the clubs open sometime mid-afternoon and then (maybe?) just stay open all trough the night till 6am…? (or with a break?) Like this, the 24hr non-stop-clubbing would be stopped and we still would get some daytime partying, which would be great. In fact, isn’t it nicer when everybody comes to the party in a fresh state? Back to dc10… they really do not look like wanting their club to be shut. This year IMO, they made a transformation, more into a real club. They put windows in the open parts between the wall and the roof, they installed a new roof and an air-con, they had videoprojections and for the closing, they even had two lasers on the terrace…yes, I definitely do agree that the terrace has lost its oudoorsy feeling now (which really is a pity), but the music is as good as ever (this year it’s even been better because definitely less minimal and more techy) and the parties are still crazy. So maybe this is the way to “survive” for dc10? But if it does get shut, then I (and surely a few thousand others) have a lot of unique memories which will last forever… :D