I Dont Belive What Just Happened.

I felt like Rambling.

If I was in Ibiza thats what I would be doing also, instead of sitting at a computer screen all day.

At the time I was just having a little troll around the internet while having a mid morning feed. Unfortunately not all of us down her lead the same sort of life of leisure as our forum admin ;) to afford to go out rambling around the island at the drop of a hat. I spend my days either working on somebodies house or on my own house. Today I´ve been cutting tree stumps and building a wall but I've now been driven back indoors because of mosquitoes.
Ok... I said I wasn't going to jump into this but here goes.

Bez, you seem to still be focusing on the dog part of your 'joke' rather than the racist part. It's nothing but racist to make the comment about a Chinese restaurant.

And it almost seems like you're heading in the direction of people who say thing like

"Me... No I'm not racist! Even though I just told a joke about (insert nationality), some of my best friends are (insert nationality)! :rolleyes:
"Me... No I'm not racist! Even though I just told a joke about (insert nationality), some of my best friends are (insert nationality)! :rolleyes:

exactly. it doesn't stop at friends either.

i, unfortunately, know someone who is married to someone of a different race and she is one of the most racist people i've met. makes stereotypical judgements and comments about them purely based on their skin colour, which often happens to be the same as her own husband.

double :rolleyes::rolleyes:
exactly. it doesn't stop at friends either.

i, unfortunately, know someone who is married to someone of a different race and she is one of the most racist people i've met. makes stereotypical judgements and comments about them purely based on their skin colour, which often happens to be the same as her own husband.

double :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I know people of Asian and black race who are probably more racist about other races than any white person I've met! I think some people have the idea that if you are black/brown/green/purple it somehow makes you immune to being labelled a racist.
Dont understand that tbh, how can you be racist when you are married to soemone from a different race. Is she blind ? :confused:

Did you ever watch the TV program "All White in Barking"?

It was based on the town of Barking in Essex which has the highest majority of BNP voters. The main BNP guy actually had a mixed race grandson. But he said that was ok as it was "his blood". Go figure... :rolleyes:
I know people of Asian and black race who are probably more racist about other races than any white person I've met! I think some people have the idea that if you are black/brown/green/purple it somehow makes you immune to being labelled a racist.

This is so true.. and I'm not being funny I'm sick of having to answer for my so-called ancestors who did this and did that... I didn't F'in do it
I know people of Asian and black race who are probably more racist about other races than any white person I've met! I think some people have the idea that if you are black/brown/green/purple it somehow makes you immune to being labelled a racist.

Hmm i'm not sure that's what's been said on here. But i agree that white people don't have the monopoly on racism.
Hmm i'm not sure that's what's been said on here. But i agree that white people don't have the monopoly on racism.

There are parts of America and even the UK where white people wouldn't last an hour living there .... errrr what does that remind you of
This is so true.. and I'm not being funny I'm sick of having to answer for my so-called ancestors who did this and did that... I didn't F'in do it

That's true to a point... although it wasn't as though the race problems were so long ago for us not to feel associated with them.
But I get what you're saying. There are racists in every race, not just white people. In today's day and age we should all be expected to behave the same. That goes for all creeds and colours. Unfortunately there is a scaremongering amongst the white public to say/do anything that might be deemed as racist, that does not apply to every other race.

For example, Kanye West frequently makes comments referring to race in his songs/interviews, yet nothing seems to be done about that. Yet if someone reversed his words in reference to black people there would be uproar.

We should all start to think of groups of people as something else other than determined by what colour they are! That's what creates the divide.
That's true to a point... although it wasn't as though the race problems were so long ago for us not to feel associated with them.

I don't feel associated with them at all! I've lived all my life never seeing any racism until i was in a mixed race relationship and even then it wasn't my fault, so I'm certainly not going to take the blame for people who did things before I was born. What next am I supposed to be sorry I'm white? And as for Kanye West's lyrics have you heard Jay-Zs song with Rhianna? Change the lyrics to that around and somebody would be in trouble!
Dont understand that tbh, how can you be racist when you are married to soemone from a different race. Is she blind ? :confused:

no, it just emphasises that racism is ignorance.

the person she married, she has got to know and the barrier of ignorance has been broken down, just not for the whole race.

it's exactly the same as "my best mate is black syndrome".........still doesn't stop some those people moaning about paradoxes like...."they all come here and claim benefit" and "they're taking all our jobs".

small minded, ignorant scum. and yes, its not restricted just to white people, although the worst are found there.
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no, it just emphasises that racism is ignorance.

the person she married, she has got to know and the barrier of ignorance has been broken down, just not for the whole race.

it's exactly the same as "my best mate is black syndrome".........still doesn't stop some those people moaning about paradoxes like...."they all come here and claim benefit" and "they're taking all our jobs".

small minded, ignorant scum. and yes, its restricted just to white people, although the worst are found there.

You seriously think this is restricted to white people?? :lol::lol::lol:
the indians hate the pakistanis, who are mainly muslim and therefore mistrusted by the West, the Russians AND the Chinese, who for historical reasons loathe the japanese who themselves also despise the koreans (relations remain toxic) and all 4 of these share a similar disdain for black people (the racism experienced by African visitors to Beijing during the olympics went largely unreported) the more religious or macho of whom despise homosexuals (try being gay in Jamaica!), the more militant of whom are occasionally known to despise women or 'breeders' (also known as straight people) who along with ALL the above celebrate the the widescale mockery of dwarves in popular culture and still do. And even then - dwarves with large cocks sneer at dwarves with small cocks.

so the moral of the story is - don't be a dwarf with a small cock!
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the indians hate the pakistanis, who are mainly muslim and therefore mistrusted by the West, the Russians AND the Chinese, who for historical reasons loathe the japanese who themselves also despise the koreans (relations remain toxic) and all 4 of these share a similar disdain for black people (the racism experienced by African visitors to Beijing during the olympics went largely unreported) the more religious or macho of whom despise homosexuals (try being gay in Jamaica!), the more militant of whom are occasionally known to despise women or 'breeders' (also known as straight people) who along with ALL the above celebrate the the widescale mockery of dwarves in popular culture and still do. And even then - dwarves with large cocks sneer at dwarves with small cocks.

so the moral of the story is - don't be a dwarf with a small cock!

Thats just got me thinking about something...................... how long are dwarves legs in inches I wonder