I Dont Belive What Just Happened.

This is what I have the Issue with.

An Administrator with a personal biased opinion uses his power to remove a post.

Does that mean that another Administrator who likes cats gets to remove all the bad taste Cat Jokes??

An Administrator has a responsibility to be Fair and Balanced and not let a personal bias affect their Job. Anybody who thinks that the ACTION of removing a post from the DoggyGate Thread and not removing one from the Gately thread is balanced.....then they are barking up the wrong tree.

I do find it quite strange that jokes about people dying of cancer are left here for all to see.... but a joke about a dog gets removed with lightening pace!

(I didn't even see the joke, was it funny? :lol:)
i don't know why people start talking about democracy and freedom of speech any time a post gets removed. this forum belongs to ibiza spotlight sl, a private non elected company. there is one administrator on this forum - me - and yes i am biased.
Have you got pets Bez?

I am from a farming background and have grown up with animals all my life.

But thats not the issue.

I would say in his last post, Stephen has put this issue to rest. No beating about the bush.

As they used to say in France "Its good to be the King":)
Oh get a grip what the f are words?

If I had taken offence every time I got called the man from modplan in school coz of my gigantic framed glasses then I would be a victim of bullying

Turns out I just brushed it off, even thought it was funny (got cantact lenses when I was 12 though 8)) some people need to get the big fat chip of their shoulder..

and if anyone here says they don't ever receive racist or celeb death jokes to their mobile phones and have a quiet chuckle to themselves before either deleting or sending on is a F***ing liar! :lol::lol:
and if anyone here says they don't ever receive racist or celeb death jokes to their mobile phones and have a quiet chuckle to themselves before either deleting or sending on is a F***ing liar! :lol::lol:
I don't. Ever. I suppose my friends are better educated than that.
And I resent you calling me a liar when you're so obviously wrong.
me three.

how can someone say "what the fcuk are words".

imagine the most personal, spiteful, aggressive, threatening, evil words you can, being aimed at someone you love, perhaps someone more vulnerable than you.

that's how powerful words are.
I agree.

Words are pretty much how we communicate between humans, aren't they ? What else do we use to express what we feel about life, the universe and everything ? Body language isn't quite the same... It is pretty naive to assume that we can't hurt (or trigger any other emotions) with words.
me three.

how can someone say "what the fcuk are words".

imagine the most personal, spiteful, aggressive, threatening, evil words you can, being aimed at someone you love, perhaps someone more vulnerable than you.

that's how powerful words are.

Well I just don't get offended cos if I did I'd be crying into my cornflakes everytime I saw you heartless bastids take the p*ss out of cancer... or everytime you lot decide to take the piss out of anything that can affect me like erm... I'm not gonna say... which is why, Yup words have to be just words I'm afraid :D
This is what I have the Issue with.

An Administrator with a personal biased opinion uses his power to remove a post.

Does that mean that another Administrator who likes cats gets to remove all the bad taste Cat Jokes??

An Administrator has a responsibility to be Fair and Balanced and not let a personal bias affect their Job. Anybody who thinks that the ACTION of removing a post from the DoggyGate Thread and not removing one from the Gately thread is balanced.....then they are barking up the wrong tree.

The whole "local" and "personal" matter excuse is weak. The internet was developed to break down borders and open up the World to free speech and free thinking, no matter what your skin colour or religion is. Forums across the world are NOT the Domain of people who think they have more of a right than others to be there. (this was the reference to the Nazis i made)

Its this type of Parochial thinking that the Internet was designed to get away from. Small town decisions influenced by an Oligarchy or undemocratic elected group of people. At times its like a Residents association in here with a certain Click of people sticking up for each other. It just doesnt happen here it happens in a lot of forums. Im dissapointed its happened on the Ibiza one as I thought that people with an "Ibiza soul" were different, above certain thinking and more "of the world".

On the matter of the Gately Family not reading this thread. I might know the Gately Family, so to say that they wont read it is very PRESUMPTUOUS.

I would like to know from the " Administrators" on here that if they receive a complaint from the family would they remove the offending thread?? Will Spotlight INC have legal issues to address???

Im sure a commercial site trying to SELL tickets, accomadation and advertising standing up for the type of thread used for Gatley would have red faces if it became public to the Family. So never PERSUME who anybody is or who they are connected to. Treat everybody with respect. Talk is Cheap, adult responsibility and fairness costs time and money.

Guys I think its time for people to stop and think about what this Forums values are and what it should be propoting. Ibiza is a happy place to me, Laughter, friendship and good times with likeminded people from all over the world. I hate small minded, hate filled antagonistic people and I thought that many on here were above that.

A Human Being is entitled to Respect no matter how small or big they are. Dignity and respect were not afforded to the Gately Family and thats what I have the issue with. An Administrator with some responisibility and family decency would have removed it. Instead the cute little doggies feelings were more important. I do hope they find him safe and well.
:lol: You are full of it, mate. You make out you are worried about what Gatelys family might think about the jokes here but you also made a tasteless post about a forum members dog. That makes your behaviour no better than that of the people you are criticizing.
Sorry but whoever is right and wrong is irrelevant ... the fact of the matter is that there is a group of people here who think they are right and the rest of the world is wrong. All are hypocrits, some are sycophants and IMO all are a bunch of c0cks who in the real world are probably extremely weak individuals..

WTF these uptight self-righteous tw*ts are doing in a CLUBBING forum is beyond me.. :lol:

And an Ibiza forum at that? What f***ng Ibiza have you been to? Not the anything goes, don't give a f**k attitude one I thought itv was... Party capital of the world? With this lot? ya f****n nuts! Saga holidays -----> that way folks
Who are you calling self-righteous? That rant is about as self-righteous as they get!

The Ibiza I've been visiting for the past decade is a place where people go to have fun, sure. Everything goes, right... but the Ibiza spirit is all about getting along. A laid back, let's have a good time together type of vibe.

Your provincial attitude towards the idea of having fun, at the expense of others, is sad :cry:

And I guarantee you there's nothing weak about me. Don't judge when you really have no clue.
Who are you calling self-righteous? That rant is about as self-righteous as they get!

The Ibiza I've been visiting for the past decade is a place where people go to have fun, sure. Everything goes, right... but the Ibiza spirit is all about getting along. A laid back, let's have a good time together type of vibe.

Your provincial attitude towards the idea of having fun, at the expense of others, is sad :cry:

And I guarantee you there's nothing weak about me. Don't judge when you really have no clue.

I'm not self-righteous at all I make mistakes, I say all the words that you lot say are bad (in private), I don't make fun of people, I don't bully people.. The people here have a serious inability to get on or accept others opinions, take a joke, let bygones be bygones.. you (not you personally) also feel it's right to take the p1ss out of things that might hurt people but because you have assessed that it's ok then it's fine... The people here (not everyone just some) have fun at the expense of others (as long as those others bare no relation to them) so if your a poof you gotta sit there and get the p1SS taken or if your dying wahey lets rip the sh!t outa you, but if your an ethnic ya sorted ... now I'm gonna F off before I turn into the female version of Nakedage :D

P.s Morbyd don't assume people are talking about you personally for what it's worth in my humble personal opinion you seem sound although it probably bothers you that I think that
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:lol: You are full of it, mate. You make out you are worried about what Gatelys family might think about the jokes here but you also made a tasteless post about a forum members dog. That makes your behaviour no better than that of the people you are criticizing.

Firstly I am not critising anybody here. Most are well able to stick up for their individual viewpoint and opinion and I respect that. I dont like negative comment when it dosent need to be used.

Joking about somebody or something is a way of De- Personalising the subject so that racist and bigoted viewpoints can be nurtured, while hiding behind the "oh, its only a joke get a sense of humor" defense. This happened to the Jews, it all started with Jokes and ended up in the Gas Chambers.

Its clear from my limited time on this forum, that there are posters who are not comfortable with this type so called humour. Its hard for them to stand up and say something about it, as straight away they get outnumbered from a mindset that has been allowed to develop. So they dont get involved, they either say nothing and lurk, or just leave altogether. Kitten has put her views up and I agree with her, a lot of the time she is mature enough to ignore most of it, but that dosent mean she likes it.

I may be full of it, and I do have many faults, but I am an Adult so therefore I have responsbilities and I will stand up for them when needs be. Integrity comes with life experience and the Gately and Jane Goody threads lacked integrity.

Im not going to defend my comment about the dog joke. It was bad taste to the Administrator as he knew the owner, and in that case he used his Integrity to remove it. I grew up with animals and have seen many put down, slaughtered or die of old age. As somebody said on this site already, Death is real and something you have to face, and it may be best to face it with humour.

In the animal world the same rule applies, its nature taking its course. When I read the dog post, straight away I knew the dog was unlikely to be seen again. Lost animals dont return after a certain period of time. Stephen knows it and so does the owner and anybody else who has lost a pet.
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Firstly I am not critising anybody here. Most are well able to stick up for their individual viewpoint and opinion and I respect that. I dont like negative comment when it dosent need to be used.

Joking about somebody or something is a way of De- Personalising the subject so that racist and bigoted viewpoints can be nurtured, while hiding behind the "oh, its only a joke get a sense of humor" defense. This happened to the Jews, it all started with Jokes and ended up in the Gas Chambers.

Its clear from my limited time on this forum, that there are posters who are not comfortable with this type so called humour. Its hard for them to stand up and say something about it, as straight away they get outnumbered from a mindset that has been allowed to develop. So they dont get involved, they either say nothing and lurk, or just leave altogether. Kitten has put her views up and I agree with her, a lot of the time she is mature enough to ignore most of it.

I may be full of it, and I do have many faults, but I am an Adult so therefore I have responsbilities and I will stand up for them when needs be. Integrity comes with life experience and the Gately and Jane Goody lacked integrity.

Im not going to defend my comment about the dog joke. It was bad taste to the Administrator as he knew the owner, and in that case he used his Integrity to remove it. I grew up with animals and have seen many put down, slaughtered or die of old age. As somebody said on this site already, Death is real and something you have to face, and it may be best to face it with humour.

In the animal world the same rule applies, its nature taking its course. When I read the dog post, straight away I knew the dog was unlikely to be seen again. Lost animals dont return after a certain period of time. Stephen knows it and so does the owner and anybody else who has lost a pet.
Was there any point to this lecture or did you just feel like rambling?
I felt like Rambling.

If I was in Ibiza thats what I would be doing also, instead of sitting at a computer screen all day.