I Dont Belive What Just Happened.

Plus, while none of us know Gately, this guy whose dog you mocked is a poster here on the forum :confused:
grego said:
i didn't see what was written, but the key difference with that thread and the stephen gately thread (as pointed out by buckley) is that the latter is classic internet fodder concerning a person, or people close to him, that will never read it nor be affected by it....no matter how bad taste.

the lost dog thread was a personal appeal at a local level, where the people most greatly affected will be reading.
Thanks for elaborating ;)
somewhat ironic in a thread about censorship, that even I felt the need to censor something.

but seriously, racist insults - no matter how many * are used to mask it or whether it's presented in the form of a crap joke, that makes no sense and is, seemingly invented purely just to make the racist insult - don't belong on here.
i heard that joke many years ago in an australian version. the hero was a member of the touring great britain rugby league team and the punch line was 'pommie barsteward kills boy's pet dog'

30 years later the stigma of being a pasty faced pom is still with me.
i heard that joke many years ago in an australian version. the hero was a member of the touring great britain rugby league team and the punch line was 'pommie barsteward kills boy's pet dog'

30 years later the stigma of being a pasty faced pom is still with me.

not sure being a pom, or being called one, carries anywhere near the same weight, hate or significance as the other ethnic group referred to.
Maybe Poms just don't care enough to allow a word to have so much power over them?

for a minute there, i thought you were suggesting that it is their own fault some ethnic minorities are the victims of racism, due to how they interpret certain insults.

All I'm saying is that people should stand up and say they will no no longer allow themselves to be harmed by name calling. They can do it and I really wish they would.
All I'm saying is that people should stand up and say they will no no longer allow themselves to be harmed by name calling. They can do it and I really wish they would.
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense for the perpetrators to just not do it?

Or do you think it's better if the victims take responsibility to not be victimized? Perhaps people should no longer allow themselves to be harmed by rape. They can do it!
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense for the perpetrators to just not do it
You know full well that will never happen.

Or do you think it's better if the victims take responsibility to not be victimized?
It makes little difference to me either way if ethnic minorties choose to be harmed by words or not. It's up to them if they wish to continue that way.
Perhaps people should no longer allow themselves to be harmed by rape. They can do it!
Don't bother trying to drag me into a stupid argument or joke about rape. It's not funny.
Who was joking? You've basically said that victims should just get over it, rather than perpetrators stop doing it. I offered a comparison (albeit one that is usually substantially more serious)
because i'm the mod on here and i like dogs.

This is what I have the Issue with.

An Administrator with a personal biased opinion uses his power to remove a post.

Does that mean that another Administrator who likes cats gets to remove all the bad taste Cat Jokes??

An Administrator has a responsibility to be Fair and Balanced and not let a personal bias affect their Job. Anybody who thinks that the ACTION of removing a post from the DoggyGate Thread and not removing one from the Gately thread is balanced.....then they are barking up the wrong tree.

The whole "local" and "personal" matter excuse is weak. The internet was developed to break down borders and open up the World to free speech and free thinking, no matter what your skin colour or religion is. Forums across the world are NOT the Domain of people who think they have more of a right than others to be there. (this was the reference to the Nazis i made)

Its this type of Parochial thinking that the Internet was designed to get away from. Small town decisions influenced by an Oligarchy or undemocratic elected group of people. At times its like a Residents association in here with a certain Click of people sticking up for each other. It just doesnt happen here it happens in a lot of forums. Im dissapointed its happened on the Ibiza one as I thought that people with an "Ibiza soul" were different, above certain thinking and more "of the world".

On the matter of the Gately Family not reading this thread. I might know the Gately Family, so to say that they wont read it is very PRESUMPTUOUS.

I would like to know from the " Administrators" on here that if they receive a complaint from the family would they remove the offending thread?? Will Spotlight INC have legal issues to address???

Im sure a commercial site trying to SELL tickets, accomadation and advertising standing up for the type of thread used for Gatley would have red faces if it became public to the Family. So never PERSUME who anybody is or who they are connected to. Treat everybody with respect. Talk is Cheap, adult responsibility and fairness costs time and money.

Guys I think its time for people to stop and think about what this Forums values are and what it should be propoting. Ibiza is a happy place to me, Laughter, friendship and good times with likeminded people from all over the world. I hate small minded, hate filled antagonistic people and I thought that many on here were above that.

A Human Being is entitled to Respect no matter how small or big they are. Dignity and respect were not afforded to the Gately Family and thats what I have the issue with. An Administrator with some responisibility and family decency would have removed it. Instead the cute little doggies feelings were more important. I do hope they find him safe and well.
never been to sydney cricket ground then?

so you're trying to compare being a foreigner attending a sports event, where hostile behaviour is par for the course, with.....

someone's daily life in the country they were born and grew up in, only that there skin happens a different colour.

if you sit in sydney cricket ground, don't wear colours and don't speak too loudly, then you'll be fine. some others wouldn't be so lucky.
I hate small minded, hate filled antagonistic people
What a load of crap.

If that's true, then why did you make that small-minded joke about Chinese restaurants? Forget the dog part, it's insulting to the Chinese too. Never thought of that? Pretty small-minded of you...
All I'm saying is that people should stand up and say they will no no longer allow themselves to be harmed by name calling. They can do it and I really wish they would.

but it's not just name calling is it. it's not a schoolyard empty threat.

imagine if somebody threatened you, physically, threatened your safety, wellbeing, livelihood, right to live somewhere or even your life and did this over a constant period of time and did it based on a fact that cannot be changed and in no way should incite such behaviour...........would you just brush it off as name calling or would it affect you in some way?

that is what this particular name calling represents. these are the connotations associated with the type of insults we're talking about.