How long til' you go?

30 hours and 19 mins... was excited until i saw the weather god dammit!!!

don't be put down by that. it'll still be much warmer and sunnier than where you live (I guess!). currently only tue afternoon until wed noon look 'really bad' (say pretty wet). else it should still be sunny with clouds and the odd shower every now and then.
Thanks stivi. Been nice here in the concrete jungle of birmingham past couple of days so was thinking aaaahhh this is what its going to be like all week next

O well hopefully they have got it all wrong and they are jus winding me up.... it will change as the days go i suppose!

Fingers crossed for some good spells of sunshine/sunbathing weather!
I have my + 3 to keep me busy..big shock to them we're not staying in figueretas or pdb this trip. .hope they'll like where we're going.