how am i not guna cheat on my bird?!

DUMP HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously, if you are wondering if you are going to cheat on her, you don't love her enough. Just get rid of her now, have all your carnal desires satified on 'biza, and then go and find someone you really love
berry said:
it is! does ibiza have the reputation for being the type of place that "birds" go and throw themselves on guys?? i've never seen this type of behavior! well, maybe over in the west end but....

One of my visits to the island was sans spouse. Me and the guys were barely cognizant enough to notice women, much less meet anyone. I thought it was about the same for everyone (except, perhaps, in the west end where maybe it doesn't matter how drunk you are)
chewie_oo7 said:
think about the mess yr gonna make when u come home cos someones bound to blab... yr missus will find out and it'll all end in tears...

Yep, it always comes out in the wash sooner or later
leebev said:
N8, im goin 4 the music really i wana go 2 the helter skelter nite at es paradis. my girlfriend wudnt cheat on me id giv her a slap... just jokin... :rolleyes: if any1 nailed my missus they wud hear from me trust me :lol:

Fair play mate, Helter skelter looks really good. Went to the closing party last year and it was bang on. Just dont cheat on your missus. Theres loads of whore houses in san an anyway, have a go on a girl there as that doesnt count as cheating ;)
leebev said:
right ive got a missus... i was jus wonderin if the women in ibiza r thrown at u or if its really hard 2 pull? i dont wana cheat on my missus but goin a week without sex is guna be pretty damn hard!!! wat am i guna do?!?!?!?!?! :cry:

What a prick it is pretty obvious you really want to cheat and are looking attention :eek:
leebev said:
right ive got a missus... i was jus wonderin if the women in ibiza r thrown at u or if its really hard 2 pull? i dont wana cheat on my missus but goin a week without sex is guna be pretty damn hard!!! wat am i guna do?!?!?!?!?! :cry:

:eek: i think i'm going to be sick...
This post is so funny... I had to read this over to make sure leebev was actually being serious!! So many things wrong and so many funny replies in this thread!!
I always find that self control usually works well in this situation. I could be wrong though this is such a tricky question leebev hmmm i will have to go and consult the oracle and get back to you
You could try sha*ging your missus say 20 times in one day just before you go. That way you wont be able to sha*g at all when your out there.

If you don't want to raise suspision with her then you'll have to do this by knocking it out yourself, you sound like your an expert at this already :lol: :p :lol:
how about wee get a few people to go round till your birds and knock lumps outta her while your doing the same in cuts both ways pal :D