
I just downloaded the finale of "volume 2" (a.k.a. series 2, part 1) last night. Looking forward to watching it!

No clue when volume 3 will appear given the writers' strike. They already scrapped the mini-series Heroes: Origins, which was supposed to be shown in January.
The creators of the show plan to do it in "volumes". Each volume has several chapters (i.e. each show) and constitutes a complete storyline.

Last season, volume 1 took up the whole series. In contrast, Series 2 will be made up of 2 volumes... that's if the writers ever stop striking and finish writing the rest of the series!
The creators of the show plan to do it in "volumes". Each volume has several chapters (i.e. each show) and constitutes a complete storyline.

Last season, volume 1 took up the whole series. In contrast, Series 2 will be made up of 2 volumes... that's if the writers ever stop striking and finish writing the rest of the series!

Lost has a similar problem
They responded to people complaining about the "haitus" during the season splitting it into 2 parts
So season 4 next year was to be just 16 episodes with no break

Cue the writers strike and they only have 8 made out of the 16
If it goes on much longer then the 5th season will be the 8 unrecorded from Season 4 and the actual season 5 shown in 2009 :evil:

seems that episode 8 luckily had a mini-cliffhanger ending although not as much an impact as they intended the full season end to be
I think that's one of the reasons Heroes' producers decided to make these "volumes". Rather than keep people hanging on for resolution over a 5 year period (like Lost), you get resolution of the key storyline every few months. In fact, the original idea was to have all new characters for each volume... but then they figured the public got too attached to this bunch.

So for Heroes viewers, the strike isn't as serious a problem as this "volume 2" has been wrapped up and a break was planned anyway. The downside is we'll just have to wait longer for volume 3.

What did get lost with the strike was a program they were going to show in the interim - Heroes: Origins, where each episode would feature a new person learning about their powers and then the public would vote which one joined the regular show.
Just finished watching the first two of season 3. **** me, now THAT'S what I call a plot twist... :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Ep 3 can't come fast enough...
Just watched episode one. Hmm.... not quite as jazzed up about this season so far.

Assuming the 3 or 4 storylines set out in the episode are the themes for the season, only one of them really interests me so far (Skyler's back on the hunt! :lol:). Maybe seeing the evolution of Nathan's new direction. Hiro's new quest looks like it'll just get annoying (but I do like that new character he met!)

Edit: Hmm, well, nope... not at all what I assumed! :lol: Just watched episode 2. Now the storyline for this "volume" has become a little more clear... and a lot more engaging!
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Up to date with series 3 and think it's excellent and possibly the strongest yet.
I'm up way past bedtime as I just watched episode 3. Gets better and better. Might indeed be the best series yet!
Never got into this due to having too many other things to keep up on! Started watching Eli Stone last night but crashed, however it did look quite amusing.

24 is still the guvnor though.
Watched the 1st episode yesterday.. i love it, but there seems to be far too many "baddies" at the mo.. Not sure i'm enjoying seeing Peter so sinister, i hope the "good" Peter gets out soon! also Mohinder has turend slightly evil.. it's only Hiro that seems to be a "goodie"

Also I'm a bit annoyed that it took sylar one whole series to try to get the cheerleader's power (and failed) and yet here it happened in the first episode!

Im hooked already, glad it's on i-player on BBC
I think the reason there are do so many baddies is that Series 3 is titled "Villains":)

Annoingly I missed it last wednesday thinking it was not starting until this week, I have have ep 1 recorded minus the first 15 mins!! Have to watch it on Iplayer then switch over to what I have.

The BBC have really messed up the scheduling of this, if you watch it in HD on BBC HD the next episode is ep 3 at 10pm, when Ep 2 should be on at 9 they are showing something else? So there is the option to just watch in SD on BBC2 but that defeats the object a bit for something like this that is made and looks so good in HD:x
Just watched ep4

Well done Claire you moron... :lol::lol::lol:

"Hey uncle Peter, Dad's making waffles" INSTANT CLASSIC
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Saw the pilot donkeys ago, not really my cup o tea. Not bad as an homage maybe but they shouldn't have bothered with a series :lol::lol::lol:

Heroes, South Park (new episodes starting tomorrow):):):) and My name is Earl is about it for me as far as US tv goes
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