The second one is not so good, bit like the lost series two, but still better than the rest of the crap out there on TV.
True, but unlike Lost the producers heard the criticism and have already made adjustments. There's supposed to be a bit less set-up and more action/events from now on.
that is, if the rest of the series doesn't get completely scrapped by the writers' strike...
I normally watch it every week but missed it last night.... what's the latest?!
*** Geek Alert! ***Its so confusing and clever, i spent most of the night lying in my bed trying to figure out what was going on ( I just love film/series that deal with the whole time travel and parallel universe issues)
i spent most of the night lying in my bed trying to figure out what was going on
Tamsyn really is a lucky ladieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
, i spent most of the night lying in my bed trying to figure out what was going on ( I just love film/series that deal with the whole time travel and parallel universe issues)
honestly mate Tamsyn deserves a medal!!!!
I wonder what Tamsyn thinks about when she's lying in bed with Ferd... Question Time?!
'I'd rather have Jon as a boyfriend than Ferd'
Just watched 10 last night. Good stuff and can't wait to see how it plays out in 11, which is kind of an autumn season finale before they take a break until January (assuming the Hollywood writers' strike doesn't scuttle the rest of the season)
Totally agree about Elle. Gorgeous!
*sings* Caaaaaan you feel a little laaahuv....we'll beat the chelsea scum tomorrow mate don't you worry
It all finally came to an end yesterday over here.
Thoroughly enjoyable series. Looking forward to Series 2. Not sure when it will come out though