

Active Member
Does anyone watch this?
Never got into 24 or Lost, but this is certainly keeping me hooked 8)
I am, and am similarly hooked!!

theres the usual smart ass's at work who have already seen all of it on Sci-Fi channel over here or who have downloaded it from the NBC channel in the States and amd resisting temptation to find out what happens, havebnt even done the 1st look thing on bbc3 yet!! :D

I got hooked on it right at the beginning and was downloading from NBC. It's stupid as all hell but oddly compelling and often fun to watch. The end to the season was somewhat satisfying but not entirely :confused:

The good news is, unlike Lost, each season will be a self-contained storyline.

I've started downloading these Heroes Uncovered (Exposed? Whatever they call it) documentaries from BBC out of curiousity, and to tide me over until next season.
Anyone been watching Dirt (excellent) or Dexter (strangely drawn to this dark series)

I am liking very much.....
I haven't seen any of it, but ever since I saw her in Jay & Silent Bob, I have been head over heels in love with Ali Larter !!!!!

feck off you rag cnut!!! ;)

no need jj, I suppose the fact that I've got more chance of riding her than city winning anything this year must hurt but your language is to be desired :rolleyes::lol:

its not worth being bitter prior to the season starting, we haven't won anything yet :lol:;)!
Anybody still watching this?

Last nights 2 episodes were brilliant. Morbyd, i hope youre not right about the ending being not being satisfying!
Eeeks i've got so many questions which i hope will be answered in a few weeks.
Are you still watching Season 1?

The storyline does come to a close... though enough loose ends remain to keep you interested in next season.

Actually, there were 2 storylines (cheerleader, NYC event). One is solved by midseason, the latter by season's end.

I'm watching Season 2... just saw ep 7, if I remember correctly, last night. Good stuff!