
My granddad's Scottish. He used match sticks as legs & told us the story of how 2 of the legs were shorter than the others from chasing the haggis round & round the hillside!
So yes when I was little I really thought Haggis was an animal!
I love it, but i am officially scottish (minus the accent). I do a gorgeous haggis with red wine reduction and red pepper and bacon (for burns night) and i'm quite partial to a deep fried haggis supper with salt and sauce (for a friday night)

MacSweens is the best, and you can get them in tescos.
not Haggis related, but i was just out gettin my daily £3 tesco shapers meal deal and there was a 160 strong canadian pipe band parading around the city square... heart-stirring stuff 8)
I love Haggis and up here in Scotland surprise surprise we have the battered fried version in our chippy's!

We don't have deep fried mars bars though....
So, I should consider that an invite to your place for dinner should I be in London in late January?

You'd be very welcome. I love Burns night - any excuse to eat loads of stodge and drink as much strong alcohol as you can... Yeah!
I love haggis, especially at breakfast with some bacon and square sausage.

I assume that everyone knows what its made of? If not and you like it, don't look it up, it may put you off.
I must admit in all the times ive been to Scotland ive never tasted Haggis,although a mate has and he said it's rank but id lie to try it myself anyway.

Have to say, it was bloody marvelous! I normally eat my Haggis with neeps and tatties.

what are neeps and tatties?
I love haggis, especially at breakfast with some bacon and square sausage.

I assume that everyone knows what its made of? If not and you like it, don't look it up, it may put you off.

I love square sausage!
Does anyone know where I can buy Square sausage in London?

I bought some haggis at lunch time :) I am going to make it on Friday!
Haggis = great - missus brought it back from a city she went to, North of Newcastle...Scoterlund, Scoatlend...not sure, but they make great food;).

I grew up on square sausage near enough, a little dash of vinegar, ketchup & between two bleached white breads. Lushious. I a world where the fish finger butty is revived, I'm thinking Ramsey et al need to re discover this cullinary gem.