So, I should consider that an invite to your place for dinner should I be in London in late January?I do a gorgeous haggis with red wine reduction and red pepper and bacon (for burns night).
So, I should consider that an invite to your place for dinner should I be in London in late January?
I'll mark my calendar!You'd be very welcome. I love Burns night - any excuse to eat loads of stodge and drink as much strong alcohol as you can... Yeah!
I'll mark my calendar!
(though I'll admit to not being a big whiskey fan)
Have to say, it was bloody marvelous! I normally eat my Haggis with neeps and tatties.
I love haggis, especially at breakfast with some bacon and square sausage.
I assume that everyone knows what its made of? If not and you like it, don't look it up, it may put you off.
I love square sausage!
We don't have deep fried mars bars though....
Rubbish! I know of plenty that do the tourist delicacy! (note, you will struggle to find many Scots who have actually tried this).