Greece debt farce - the end of the Euro?

What does everyone think of the austerity measure that have been in place in the UK?

Cant say I have noticed, energy keeps creeping up but thats partly to do with getting it to our shores, booze and fags keep going up but thats due to higher tax levies by the government, think the people most up in arms are the public sector workers, pay freezes, job cuts and lower pensions (just like the rest of us in the private sector but we just get on with it). I did see a few months ago a graph on which county owes what to whom and simplistic that it may be, if countries cancelled the loans etc owed to eachother then that would save a fortune of interest and we would all be better off, ie the UK owes nearly a trillion quid but is owed more than that so each should cancel eachother out.

Found it
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The thing ive noticed most is price of food and rental rates going up but i dont think thats a governent austerity thing. As a freelancer its hard to just increase my rate without risking losing the few employers I have but it will have to happen at some point soon

**** these ****ing EU-clowns in ****ing brussels.
**** the ****ing EU anyway.

and **** the ****ing EURO.

un****ingbelievable what happenend @ cyprus :spank:

what is planned for Cyprus is a ****in disgrace! People should be on the streets protesting that their money is being taken, I would like to think if the gov tried that stunt in england we would go bonkers but we are all so dumbed down now we would just take it
what is planned for Cyprus is a ****in disgrace! People should be on the streets protesting that their money is being taken, I would like to think if the gov tried that stunt in england we would go bonkers but we are all so dumbed down now we would just take it

Its a better idea that what they are doing here in Ireland.
what is planned for Cyprus is a ****in disgrace! People should be on the streets protesting that their money is being taken, I would like to think if the gov tried that stunt in england we would go bonkers but we are all so dumbed down now we would just take it

Citizens had their gold confiscated in the land of the free not too long ago, a very real prospect again in the not too distant future.
My Aunt and uncle live in a small town just outside lisbon called cascais, they have been there about 6 or 7 years now. He works for netjets which is how they came to reside there. They have been telling us some of the austerity measure taking place in portugal one of which i found quite shocking. If they go out for dinner anywhere in there town the restauranter must supply you with a receipt which i know is standard but you must keep hold of that receipt because people are being stopped leaving restaurants and being forced to prove the transaction that has just taken place.. no receipt = on the spot fine.. no thats harsh. Imagine holidaying there and not knowing this!!!
My Aunt and uncle live in a small town just outside lisbon called cascais, they have been there about 6 or 7 years now. He works for netjets which is how they came to reside there. They have been telling us some of the austerity measure taking place in portugal one of which i found quite shocking. If they go out for dinner anywhere in there town the restauranter must supply you with a receipt which i know is standard but you must keep hold of that receipt because people are being stopped leaving restaurants and being forced to prove the transaction that has just taken place.. no receipt = on the spot fine.. no thats harsh. Imagine holidaying there and not knowing this!!!
Is this to make sure all the money that spent in the restaurant is on the books?
Basically, it's the Germans trying to make the Russians pay for their Eurozone bailouts. Highway robbery.

They are claiming that most of it is laundered Russian Rubles and the 10% charge is an interest rate to clean it :rolleyes:
Basically, it's the Germans trying to make the Russians pay for their Eurozone bailouts. Highway robbery.

It is the same thing they did in the USA, tax payers paid for the bailout; It was just a 10% charge upfront.
They are claiming that most of it is laundered Russian Rubles and the 10% charge is an interest rate to clean it :rolleyes:
:D The banks are the bigger crooks, it is just legal highway robbery.
They are claiming that most of it is laundered Russian Rubles and the 10% charge is an interest rate to clean it :rolleyes:
Typical Western anti-Russian BS.
A lot of Russian businesspeople own their shares in local companies via Cyprus holding companies. Lower tax on dividends, subject to European law... there are various reasons why it's done, most of them more than legitimate. In the West, we call that tax structuring, but when Russians are involved it immediately gets labeled laundering.
what is planned for Cyprus is a ****in disgrace! People should be on the streets protesting that their money is being taken, I would like to think if the gov tried that stunt in england we would go bonkers but we are all so dumbed down now we would just take it

It's not just the money they are taking out of people's accounts.

My in-laws live in Cyprus and when they went to pay their monthly mortgage payment the other day they were told it would be "an extra €60 this time"

Held to ransom is an understatement :!:
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It's completely disgusting. State theft of peoples' assets. So a bunch of people put their money there for safety against concerns in their home countries only to find that the Cypriot government helps itself to 10% of it overnight. Locals get caught up in the raid too.

The place is finished. They've not a busting lot to support their economy with as it stands but a decent banking sector was one of their relative strengths. Now no-one will ever trust them again and there'll be a huge run on their banks as soon as they unlock accounts, along with a total collapse of their financial services sector. Let's hope the idea doesn't spread or the Eurozone is definitely over. Money will rush elsewhere.

Time to stuff your mattress with old notes and buy some bullion by the looks of it. Seems you'd be safer with your money in a blooming banana republic bank account than in an EU state. Lived in one for the best part of 20 years and the "voluntary donations" to the local party each year to avoid being deported on spurious made-up allegations never came close to those sorts of amounts :rolleyes:.