Going to Berghain alone

having been denied entry the times ive tried , ive no doubt its a great party. Im over being offended by non entry , it wouldn't be top of my list to go these days. But , i respect that they have stuck to their guns even if ive dissagreed with their choices towards me. i think if you go anywhere expecting to be presented a good time then you're not in the right mindframe , people make the party i guess.
Hopefully experience Berlin next year, but doubt I'll bother with Berghain. The idea of standing in a queue for ages just to be refused for some random reason is a bit pish. Come to think of it, that's why I like Ibiza - you can float into any club without feeling self-conscious or fear of rejection.
Hopefully experience Berlin next year, but doubt I'll bother with Berghain. The idea of standing in a queue for ages just to be refused for some random reason is a bit pish. Come to think of it, that's why I like Ibiza - you can float into any club without feeling self-conscious or fear of rejection.

Best bet is to get there right before it opens, get a stamp and then come back. I would've done this but i was only in berlin for 1.5 days and didnt have time, my hand was kind of forced to show up at a bad time.
we were in berghain just this sunday, will post a little review about it later.

my ex gf's sister 'checked in' on fb twice to berghain that same weekend. probs the sort of thing they are against and rightly so
we were in berghain just this sunday, will post a little review about it later.
Stivi or anyone else who can answer the below it would be appreciated.

I'm a massive techno fan and am planning to go to Berlin next year at some point on my own with the main aim to experience the techno temple that is berghain. I'm quite short and only 22 from London and just wondering what my chances of getting in are like? I don't speak a single word of German so is learning some a must to even stand a chance? What's the best "outfit" to wear that's rather normal would black jeans black t-shirt and some black converse do the trick or do you need to look more "hardcore"?

One last thing I've read on here about having a stamp and going back in. Is this once you've got in once you get a stamp and can leave and come back later on in the night/morning without having to que/risk being turned away?

If anyone can help it would be much appreciated as I've been wanting to go for years but want to know how I stand. Any extra info would be great aswell. Thanks!
Well, I went alone on Sunday so figured I may as well post my ramblings here !

Words almost can't describe (8))….. I am still haunted (in a good way !) by Sunday's revelry in Berghain.. so I'm going to expunge with a write-up to help me get back down to planet earth…

Arriving in Berlin's soon-to-close Tegel Airport from Heathrow at 10am on a bright but hazy Sunday morning having been up all night travelling, the first thing I'm reminded of is the effortless order and efficiency of it all. Such a contrast to the stress and chaos of UK, France, Spain, Italy ….. :)

A bus leaves ‘on the dot' for the short ride to Hauptbahnhof. I already know my platform and a 10-minute train to Ostbahnhof delivers me a 3-minute walk to my digs at the spotlessly clean DDR Hostel, less than an hour from touch-down. For 2,30 Euros. Berlin's cheap efficient public transport system has converted even a car-obsessed person like me to use it :!:

It's 4 hours before check-in time - but for the asking, a double room hasn't been used last night and I pay a few extra Euros (35 in total to be precise) to get in early to a bright airy room the size of a junior suite most places. All in atmospheric former East German style but with wooden flooring, double glazing, an efficient en-suite shower room, dining table, and super-comfy beds. Worth every cent.

It takes around 1 ½ hours of acclimatisation before the urge to go worship takes over. A little adrenaline rush of excitement washes over me to push away fatigue – helped by a huge can of Red Bull ;). I hope against hope it's going to be a good party today - and that I'm going to be a good fit. Berghain is a short stroll away. Look in the mirror – yep, reckon I could just about pass for a (skinny) German today – with the right body language. I'm sober and have been up way too long to look anything but calm. Everything helps. Let's do this !! :p:twisted:

It's Klubnacht – and the party's been rolling since midnight Saturday. It's a big one this week and from 1pm, Ben Klock joins Marcel Dettmann for a B2B – with Ben on solo from 6pm to close (probably gone midnight !). In Panorama, Andre Galuzzi, Steffi and Carl Craig are in charge before Nick Hoepner hits the decks at midnight Sunday to close on Monday. It's looking hopeful – should get some decent hours in out of that lot for sure ! :twisted::twisted::twisted:

Pushing all fear or doubt out of my mind, I walk calmly to the door and round the barriers. Two solo German guys make up the ‘line'. Now we are 3. Each of their brief verbal exchanges succeeds and both guys ahead of me are admitted 8). I am alone, at the gates of the temple, and all eyes turn from the door towards me. It's that moment of reckoning again :confused:. The doorman looks me dead in the eye and I calmly engage, arms at my sides, standing straight. The facial engagement seems to last for ages – as if waiting for me to crack. I raise half an eyebrow and smile warmly. We exchange “knowing nods” and I show no further emotion as I am waved inside. :D:p

There are still a few people being checked out who must have arrived just before me. One of them is cracking up a bit mid-search. Probably for one of any number of reasons :oops: ! With the skill of a pick-pocket my cigarette packet is already out of the side of my cargos and is being checked. Do I have a camera ? No. Do I have a phone ? Yes. No pictures. “Of course not”. 12 Euros and it's in to the theatre wardrobe store – I mean cloakroom ! Trousers and t-shirts are off and being checked in ahead of me :lol: .. but I leave it at my hat, coat and scarf ! I can hear the music. This is going to be a blast. :twisted:

Up the big stairway and from the ‘off' the music is great. Really great. It's an ‘in-between' time and pretty quiet in Berghain. First red bull with vodka of the day from my favourite bar (the big one on the right as you get up the steps, with the swing seats, sofa backing the glassed-off dancefloor and carved stone on the huge wall behind the bar). Smokers are liberally catered for. In fact, everyone is well catered for – just as long as they are polite and respectful at all times and it's “with adult consent”… against the backdrop of jaw-dropping techno, a monster sound system and the occasional fog blast. Pure decadence has never felt so civilised, understated or natural as at Berghain. 100% free of pretence it's there to be enjoyed for what it is – somewhere like nowhere else on earth. 8) 8) 8)

Upstairs, Andre Galuzzi and Steffi were dishing out some good fun stuff. I popped up a couple of times and stayed for a cocktail and a boogie. In London (or many other places) this would be a dream crowd and a dream party. A cross-section of the world's grooviest mature clubbers were totally loving the love, the music was deep but the vibe was light and hands were making it above shoulder-level on a grander scale than down below.

The toilets were civilized enough for more of the ladies to handle too – anyone who's experienced an apocalyptic Berghain cubicle 12 hours in to a big night .. well … knows what I mean :rolleyes::eek: !! However, Panorama Bar is something of a kindergarten in comparison to the Berghain floor.. where things were building into one of its most epic afternoons of the year. And that is where I, too, blissfully spent most of my hours there.

On a side note, one of the downsides of vast quantities of red bull fuel at my age is the number of times you wind up nipping to the loo - which interrupts the dancing flow somewhat ! Was quite the regular in the first hours ! :oops: The gang of polite German guys based in the chill-out room beside the loos were a reserved and close-knit but ultimately friendly bunch. Seems they'd agreed on football shorts and stripy socks, or leather pants/straps/feather-hats (Vagabundos-stlyee) as today's fetish themes. Eventually on one of my walk-pasts, we greet each other, exchange some light-hearted banter and agree the music's really kicking today 8).

Four very hefty German guys emerge from a cubicle as my turn in the line comes up, looking very calm and collected – my mind will never rationalise how they all fitted in there and also got the door open again.. could only have been intertwined together like a giant meccano construction – must have come from years of practice ! :lol:

But enough of the memorable toilet micro-community and its visitors.. I won't discuss anything more here about goings on at the club away from the dancefloor. Suffice to say it's very liberal in a climate of mutual respect and tolerance. Berghain itself is both civilised and very raw at the same time. If you're going to get offended wandering around and stumbling across a consentual “prison scene”, please go elsewhere…. But that's never ‘in your face' or indiscreet. If you can embrace this open-mindedly as being an integral part of a free society, behave well and respect all others who go to the club, whatever goes on, then there's only one thing more to consider. If you also like the music policy then you'll likely really dig this place. I certainly do. :twisted:

On the crowd “mix”, alongside the fetish crew there were fewer muscle men in evidence in Berghain than I've seen – mainly just regular build guys with some impressive tattooing on their chests and backs. Together they only made up about 25% of the floor number and contributed over 50% of the energy and dynamic atmosphere 8). They obviously dig the Techno as much as I do (I usually keep my shirt on these days) and danced even harder (fists not fingers if you punch the air please – and not too high or too often – Ja ;) ?!!).

The remainder were more regularly dressed urban types (with a hint of lesbian leather) and some hard-ass party girls in evidence properly going for it. One-off odd-balls. A pony-tailed guy in a formal designer jacket and smart shoes. Endless “individuals” I won't catalogue - all in all a proper “mix” with all ‘types' represented to some extent and all perfectly behaved. As is the way here
This is a monster review mate! You've got me super excited to want to go now! If you can help with any of the info I'm looking for in the above post that would be great.
This is a monster review mate! You've got me super excited to want to go now! If you can help with any of the info I'm looking for in the above post that would be great.

Best thing is to just relax and be yourself. Being loud, nervous or looking uncomfortable is probably the thing which will get you bumped more than anything else. A few words of German won't do any harm. I've rarely been asked anything and it's best to just be honest about your language skills !

On clothes I found discreet at the door has worked for me (put what you like on underneath lol), but you don't need to wear all-black and I've never gone in looking "hardcore". Garish "Fruit of the Loom" / "Primark" looks probably won't do much for your chances - just use common sense !

Once you have a stamp you can leave and return without paying again for as long as it doesn't wash off. Of course if you turn up plastered / wasted they might bump you on re-entry but if you're well behaved and in control that's not normal. There is a separate queue for re-entry and in really busy times you may still have to wait a bit. The biggest issue is the time it can take to get through the coat check and get your dog tag. Seems like it takes forever every time. So going back in isn't necessarily a case of breezing up and waltzing through.

I really suggest going late Sunday morning if it's your first time - have something decent to eat before going in if you can for stamina. I've turned up there several times as the only person arriving or behind 2, 3, 4 people only. Walking the full length of the zig-zag crowd control barriers on your own in broad daylight up to that building being watched all the way by the doormen from behind a door which looks like it's closed is an experience in itself :lol: ... but plenty of time to get yourself focused and reconciled to whatever your fate is to be ! The place is amazing at that time of day - stepping into another world from the daylight outside.

Good luck and have fun.
Best thing is to just relax and be yourself. Being loud, nervous or looking uncomfortable is probably the thing which will get you bumped more than anything else. A few words of German won't do any harm. I've rarely been asked anything and it's best to just be honest about your language skills !

On clothes I found discreet at the door has worked for me (put what you like on underneath lol), but you don't need to wear all-black and I've never gone in looking "hardcore". Garish "Fruit of the Loom" / "Primark" looks probably won't do much for your chances - just use common sense !

Once you have a stamp you can leave and return without paying again for as long as it doesn't wash off. Of course if you turn up plastered / wasted they might bump you on re-entry but if you're well behaved and in control that's not normal. There is a separate queue for re-entry and in really busy times you may still have to wait a bit. The biggest issue is the time it can take to get through the coat check and get your dog tag. Seems like it takes forever every time. So going back in isn't necessarily a case of breezing up and waltzing through.

I really suggest going late Sunday morning if it's your first time - have something decent to eat before going in if you can for stamina. I've turned up there several times as the only person arriving or behind 2, 3, 4 people only. Walking the full length of the zig-zag crowd control barriers on your own in broad daylight up to that building being watched all the way by the doormen from behind a door which looks like it's closed is an experience in itself :lol: ... but plenty of time to get yourself focused and reconciled to whatever your fate is to be ! The place is amazing at that time of day - stepping into another world from the daylight outside.

Good luck and have fun.
THANK YOU! Appreciate it a lot. Very excited to make the trip! Late Sunday morning is exactly when I was planning to go so looking forward to it! Is it still busy inside at that point on Sunday/ Sunday night?

Is there such thing as a guest list for the venue or is it strictly door policy only. I only ask this as I have a friend whose daughter works there doing various things including helping get the djs ready and set up. The mum has said her daughter has said she will be able to sort me out and get me on 'the list' and I was wondering if this exists or if there is no such thing?

Thanks again!
THANK YOU! Appreciate it a lot. Very excited to make the trip! Late Sunday morning is exactly when I was planning to go so looking forward to it! Is it still busy inside at that point on Sunday/ Sunday night?

Is there such thing as a guest list for the venue or is it strictly door policy only. I only ask this as I have a friend whose daughter works there doing various things including helping get the djs ready and set up. The mum has said her daughter has said she will be able to sort me out and get me on 'the list' and I was wondering if this exists or if there is no such thing?

Thanks again!

berghain is actually mostly busiest on sunday night, not before ;)

yes there is a guestlist and even though being on that list is no guarantee to get in, I'd certainly try to get on it.
Yes guestlist is not a 100% guarantee.. I know people who were on Dixons "paying questlist":confused: and only 2 out of 3 got in..
Yes guestlist is not a 100% guarantee.. I know people who were on Dixons "paying questlist":confused: and only 2 out of 3 got in..
Blimey! What so a group of 3 turned up and they let 2 in but not the third! Guess its better to be on it than not tho!