Girly Thread


New Member
Has anyone tried on of those body brushes for celluite?

Well a few weeks ago me being a hypochondriac got it into my head that my bum was getting a bit dimply so I started using one those brushes and a l'oreal celluite gel thing morning and night - I swear my bum has got a lot flatter though - not the desired effect!!!:evil::evil::evil:
Any sort of massage is good, followed by a good diet and regular exercise. The brush will be good for getting rid of dry skin but nothing else.

Don't buy any cream that is suppose to get rid of celluite, it is all a gimmick.
So, you're saying that this brush has actually flattened your butt? How is that possible!? You sure you haven't just lost weight?

I know a girl who talked about using one of those things (despite not having cellulite) and her but doesn't look any flatter! :lol:
Morbyd said:
So, you're saying that this brush has actually flattened your butt? How is that possible!? You sure you haven't just lost weight?

I know a girl who talked about using one of those things (despite not having cellulite) and her but doesn't look any flatter! :lol:

Yeah that and the gel stuff!

Maybe I have lost a bit of weight but it hasn't gone anywhere else!!
Are you sure it was a pumice stone and it shave your skin off? :lol:

I really don't see how a brush could flatten a bottom.
:lol: God knows its just odd!

I'm thinking about handing my notice in today - its got worse here now - feels like bullying!:twisted:
jessyg123 said:
:lol: God knows its just odd!

I'm thinking about handing my notice in today - its got worse here now - feels like bullying!:twisted:

Oh nooo :cry: What happened about that interview?
Didn't get it :cry: We've got a new guy started an he's a total arse really really hate him and this other guy has started being a tw@t to me to show off to the new guy :twisted:
Beckiboo said:
I've given up with diets, Ive come to the conclusion that they just DONT WORK :evil:

I'm actually convinced they don't really work either - so many girls in the office gym it 3x a week, diet constantly but they're still pretty big, and haven't changed in the year I've known them.

Only girl to actually change her figure took all these weird pills she got from Peru where her dad is a pharmacist :eek: :lol: at the same time as a punishing gym regime.
jessyg123 said:
yeah they are pants - I just want my bum back!:twisted:

that really is bizarre... im trying to shift a bit of stretch marks on the inner thigh from losing weight but might try one of these 'flatening' brushes :lol:
jessyg123 said:
If only I could afford it!!!

In other unrelated news - anyone had a tattoo on their foot?

one on the back of my heel/ankle (behind the bone) and one inside my ankle.... done in ibiza actually
tattoos on ankles remind me of that picture of jordan and her bridesmaids, all of them had tattoos on their ankles :eek: :confused: