
I'm convinced we had a ghost in the house i grew up in, particularly in one of the bedrooms which was always ice cold. I know that's a ghost cliche, but it was absolutely freezing in there all of the time. It was my sisters room and she always used to say there was an old woman who'd sit in her room on the end of her bed or in a chair watching her sleep. You'd hear her having an argument with someone at night or look out the window at her in the garden having a really animated conversation with what looked like herself. We were driving somewhere on holiday the once and as we pulled away she started waving up at her window, I was like ''What are you waving at idiot?'' she just looked at me like I was stupid and said ''Errr, the old lady up there''.
I remember one night my Dad was working and the crying and screaming, which we got almost every night, about ''the old woman who wont get out of my room'' freaked my mum out so much she picked us up under her arms and carried us all to my Nans house a few streets away at about 3am.
She still wont give up on it now if someone mentions it. She's either a little bit mental, genuine, or playing the longest joke in history on her family.
Any ghostly updates?

Has anyone ever done a ouija board? Would you do one in your house?
I have, quite recently to. My mates mum runs a ghost hunting company called "from dusk till dawn" and they go around the uk on over night ghost hunts where they get lots of "activity" for the paying guests including stuff I am sure most on here would think I am making up.
Anyway when me and the mrs were pissed and bored one night we did one, checked youtube for "how to" :D and took a good 45 mins of trying to communicate before the glass seem to be pushed very hard across the table. We got a few hours of yes and no and ages etc. I was convinced my mrs was pushing it so as it moved once I shouted at her to lift her hands and arms so there was no weight from either of us and it kept on moving :eek: I refuse to do another :lol: She would do more, but I have been warned from my mates mum its not good when we dont really know what we are doing. Not had any bad stuff happen since so far so I am hoping we closed it properly but there is defo something going on. Whether that is all in our heads or not or power of the mind and all that I dont know but it was spooky as fook!
Great thread!

Oh yes I defo believe in ghostly activity - had way too much Personal experiential evidence to prove to me that they do exist, that death is merely a passing out of the body to spirit :)
I'm not sure if a friend i know is taking the P out of iss but he's told me this evening that he's heard rumours in the past of fan's taking along a mp3 player & headphones and whilst listening to there own modern day music when they stand around jim Morrison's tomb in the Cemetery Pere Lechaise Paris on some occasions one can actually hear the voice of Morrison singing one of his many hit's through the actuall player:eek: Now that has to be investigated:)
I'm not sure if a friend i know is taking the P out of iss but he's told me this evening that he's heard rumours in the past of fan's taking along a mp3 player & headphones and whilst listening to there own modern day music when they stand around jim Morrison's tomb in the Cemetery Pere Lechaise Paris on some occasions one can actually hear the voice of Morrison singing one of his many hit's through the actuall player:eek: Now that has to be investigated:)

Hes taking the piss...........
Any ghostly updates?

Has anyone ever done a ouija board? Would you do one in your house?

Once :eek:

I dont believe in Ghosts as they dont exist but we did a Ouija board one night years ago.

We had a few drinks, I was the only non-believer, pissed and pissing about. I even had a toffee crisp wrapper ready to throw, until it was my turn to ask a question.

considering this was 1992 and an end to my dodgy past I chose to ask the ghost (apparently of a 10 year old boy who lived in my room years ago) what would be the result of my upcoming court case? We all held the glass which moved about a bit and spelt the words "bound over"

Everyone looked at each other and no one claimed to know what it meant, so that ruled out anyone forcing the glass.

The result was Conditional discharge which I found out later could mean "bound over"

I still dont believe in ghosts but that was a bit wierd
Not all ghosts are bad?! I had one living in my house and occasionally went for a few pints with him. Got a few odd looks though
A few years back, did a ouija board at a house party with 8/9 drunk friends/non-believers sat round a table. The board kept spelling out "car crash b road... car crash b road... " & then the glass just flew off the table. A couple of months later, 3 people in that room were involved in a severe car crash on a road called Bell Road on the way home from a rave. 1 died & 1 was left permanently brain damaged.

A few mentioned this at the funeral, but we've never spoken about it since...
As this thread has been "brought back from the dead":rolleyes:, I thought a footnote to the initial spooky happenings may be in order.

The original post was in 2006 when we had just moved into our house and we had the spooky occurences, particularly the alleged sightings of what become known as "the little girl ghosts".

In 2008 we were decorating the top floor of the house and I stripped off about ten layers of old wallpaper.

Behind the layers of wallpaper were messages written on the walls from previous occupants going back to 1860s (who had all presumably stripped back the wallpaper at some point) including messages from two young girls (sisters) who wrote above a bedroom door that this was "our bedroom and we were always told to tidy our room" :eek:

I took photos of all the messages before I skimmed them into oblivion :lol:.

Also, co-incidentally, within two years of moving into the house the missus was preganant with the first of our two daugthers*.

*One of whom can set fire to things by concentrating really hard and the other one has a black crow which sits on her window sill.
*One of whom can set fire to things by concentrating really hard and the other one has a black crow which sits on her window sill.

Did you say one of them wants to a baker when she grows up?

'I see bread people'!
