
I was in London this weekend so i escaped the anticipated zombie onslaught / ghostly posession / other horrific occurrence (although drinking in Cavendish Square was very similar).

However, I have different workmen in all this week, so If one of them mentions little girls running around, I'm off to the estate agents.

I have noticed (but not mentioned) that the missus keeps coming with me whenever i leave the house i think she's scared to stay in by herself. I don;t mind the company, but i'm out with the fellas later in the week so i'll have to arrange soemthing there!

She always acts like the exorcist when i come in late and drunk so I'm not sure if i'll notice if she is taken over by a demonic spirit in my absence.;)
I was in London this weekend so i escaped the anticipated zombie onslaught / ghostly posession / other horrific occurrence (although drinking in Cavendish Square was very similar).

However, I have different workmen in all this week, so If one of them mentions little girls running around, I'm off to the estate agents.

I have noticed (but not mentioned) that the missus keeps coming with me whenever i leave the house i think she's scared to stay in by herself. I don;t mind the company, but i'm out with the fellas later in the week so i'll have to arrange soemthing there!

She always acts like the exorcist when i come in late and drunk so I'm not sure if i'll notice if she is taken over by a demonic spirit in my absence.;)

yeah ..funny missus acts like jack nicholson in the shining....minus the stubble :lol:
Ive worked in a pub which is haunted for the last 8 years. The foundations are over 500 years old and various spirits are either trapped in the building or just stay cos they like it. I think we have about 5 spirits at the moment and out of curiousity we had a medium to come and tell us about them, so now we know them we dont get frightened! Altho locking up at midnight in the dark on your own can make you heart beat a littler faster

The thought of ghosts and spooky stuff will frighten you if you let it and every noise will send you running down the stairs screaming (like it does us sometimes). Just go with it and think of it as a quirky addition to your house!!
Wow what a story!! Id be excited but bricking it at the same time!!!

A few years ago I was living with a mate in an old lodge house that he had converted, it looked not too disimilar to a church, there was definately some weird **** going on.

1/ once I was in the lounge upstairs watching tv when I heard a massive crash. I ran downstairs where the kitchen & hallway were and somehow a clock on the mantlepiece, which weighed a good couple of kilos was lying in pieces on the floor.

2/ the dog would regularly start growling then would run to the wall barking furiously.

3/ I fell asleep once on the sofa and a sudden dip in temperature woke me up and I saw a dark mist come up the stairs from the kitchen then proceed up the next flight of stairs to the attic where my room was. I kipped on the sofa that night :eek:

4/ one weekend a couple of mutual friends came to stay for the weekend (they lived 200 miles away) approx an hour after they arrived, one of them went to the bathrrom, we heard a scream and she cam out white as a sheet. Then just said to her fellah we have to leave, this they did but wouldnt say why, so they left, drove 200 miles back home in the middle of the night. A few weeks later her bloke told me that she was washing her hands and when she turned round she saw an old man in what she described as victorian costume!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I still get a chill down my spine when I think about it.

They say animals know stuff like that

And :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: to the old man

I would have had to leave
Ive worked in a pub which is haunted for the last 8 years. The foundations are over 500 years old and various spirits are either trapped in the building or just stay cos they like it. I think we have about 5 spirits at the moment and out of curiousity we had a medium to come and tell us about them, so now we know them we dont get frightened! Altho locking up at midnight in the dark on your own can make you heart beat a littler faster

The thought of ghosts and spooky stuff will frighten you if you let it and every noise will send you running down the stairs screaming (like it does us sometimes). Just go with it and think of it as a quirky addition to your house!!

that is sooooooo weird, cos nearly every bar or pub i've worked in has been full of spirits too.:rolleyes: ;)

my mate worked in a gay bar also, which he said had two gay ghosts...............

apparently they put the willies up each other

didn't you say the last people left cos of some reason, we then established it was your dodgy i think we know the real reason.

My next door neighbour tells a spooky story about a strange ghostly, pale, sweat drenched face that once appeared at her bedroom window in the dead of night while she was undressing. She says it scared the life out of her.

I'm dubious about the story to be honest since I was up a ladder watching her through the very same window at the time she insists she had this 'paranormal experience' and I didn't see a thing.

Still I don't discount the possibility that these things exsist.

Any ghostly updates?

Has anyone ever done a ouija board? Would you do one in your house?
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Any ghostly updates?

Has anyone ever done a ouija board? Would you do one in your house?

Yep, me, my mate and two girls stupidly did one when very drunk one night a few years back. It didn't seem to be working but then a door slammed shut upstairs. :eek: That sh!t us right up and we stopped immediately! I honestly wouldn't even think about doing one again
my daughter has a couple of imaginary freinds....innocent enough, but then if you read the Amityville Horror... :eek: :lol:
my daughter has a couple of imaginary freinds....innocent enough, but then if you read the Amityville Horror... :eek: :lol:

Yes it was a pig called Jodie if I remember properly. When that movie came out first the local priest in our town stood outside the cinema door telling people not to go in and see it. A real life FR Ted scene.:rolleyes:

I like Arthur C Clarkes explanation on Ghosts.

He maintains that our eyes may be able to project images as well as receive them. He backs this up by the theory that Ghosts are rarely witnessed by two or more people its normally one person alone that has a sighting.
Yes it was a pig called Jodie if I remember properly. When that movie came out first the local priest in our town stood outside the cinema door telling people not to go in and see it. A real life FR Ted scene.:rolleyes:

I like Arthur C Clarkes explanation on Ghosts.

He maintains that our eyes may be able to project images as well as receive them. He backs this up by the theory that Ghosts are rarely witnessed by two or more people its normally one person alone that has a sighting.

Down with this sort of Thing!!!

(careful now)
Yep, me, my mate and two girls stupidly did one when very drunk one night a few years back. It didn't seem to be working but then a door slammed shut upstairs. :eek: That sh!t us right up and we stopped immediately! I honestly wouldn't even think about doing one again

Spooky, possums ... :lol:

Best leave these things be, methinks - plenty of other things to get up to after a few too many :p .......