

Active Member
Yesterday I had workman rennovating the basement of my house.

As i was at work during the day, one of them came back later on in the evening so i could pay them. The workmen were two middle age fellas who i know and who have done work in the house before.

Anyway, he called round later and as soon as I let him in he started blurting out;
"You know you've got a ghost right? - I saw her !i saw her!, so did the other lad - A little girl in a dress! she was in the basement by the cellar and she was in the hallway"

Now at first i was "Haha, nice one" but after a while I turned a bit "well I 'don't know what to say to that " as he seemed quite shaken and serious. In the end I even told him to keep his voice down as I didn't want him to scare the missus. I know them but not that well and it seemed an odd "joke" to play and quite out of character for the fella.

Now, this was the weird bit.

After watching "Pirates of the Carribean" :lol: last night I switched off everything and went to bed.

4 oclock this morning, the missus goes to the loo and comes back in the room and said; "Have you been downstairs"

me: "No"

'er: "Well the tv's on and the cartoon channel is playing"

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm an official cynic and non believer. But WTF!!!!!
Wow!! :eek:

I've always believed there is a possibility that they exist but have yet to see one or be totally convinced. Keep us posted
Before i had a 'visitation' from my mum's dead best friend, i'd have said you you'd forgotten to turn the TV off (whilst admitting to enjoying late night Tom & Jerry)
:eek: :eek: :eek:
I wouldn't advertise that, mate... might knock down the resale value when
you GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! :eek: :lol:

Seriously, though... if true, very freaky.
All things are possible, well until proven otherwise a la most religious belief.

Could be a shadow in the basement seen as a ghost in one workman's peripheral vision projected to the other by the power of suggestion, coinciding with you or the missus sleep walking and turning on the TV.


you might be a zombie by the end of the week:lol:
Believing in ghosts goes against my better judgement.. but sometimes really really weird things like that do happen. Then again, out of billions of events that happen to you in your life, a few are bound to be weird...
Mark, your cat stepped in the remote control and switched on the TV. ;)

I like that. That could have happened. That's the answer.I've got two cats.

And Buckley's theory about the sighting works too.

Drew - arrrrrrghhhhhhh

But if anyone wants to come and stay for a few weeks, please feel free.
I like that. That could have happened. That's the answer.I've got two cats.

And Buckley's theory about the sighting works too.

Drew - arrrrrrghhhhhhh

But if anyone wants to come and stay for a few weeks, please feel free.

The drink/drug intake of most of the labour I've used over the years could of explained no end of sightings also:lol:
I like that. That could have happened. That's the answer.I've got two cats.

And Buckley's theory about the sighting works too.

Drew - arrrrrrghhhhhhh

But if anyone wants to come and stay for a few weeks, please feel free.

The cat stepping on the remote control happened to us, our tv was on for a whole weekend, for joy and amusement of our neighbours :lol:
Mark, your initial post made me go completely cold. I do believe in all things that go bump in the night but secretly they terrify me :oops: :oops:

I would be inclined to believe the cat on the tv remote - our dogs used to do this all the time.

Maybe this evening turn the tv off properly and not on standby and see what happens.

Anyway, as long as it is a friendly ghost then all should be well ;)
Anyway, as long as it is a friendly ghost then all should be well ;)

love the way ghosts are moving with the times. It knows how to use sky! :D

The problem is, once you think there is a ghost then you attribute any slight incident to the paranormal. I'm sure the same happened in your place so i wouldnt worry until you find gypsy trinkets under the floorboards hahaha :D
I agree the danger is anything I hear or see I'll attribute to "The Haunting!!"

Seriously I am the sort of person who would laugh if someone told me this story themsleves. But I felt a real shiver down my spine.
ok, my bottle went i admit it :p
Our cat steps on the remote quite often.

Freaked us out for a while until we actually saw him do it once.....
i can get a bit bothered by that kinda thing too mark. It would definately make me a bit uneasy, especially if it was my own house! When my nephew was first beginning to talk my sister (his mum) was tucking him into bed when he pointed at the corner of the room and said 'Man....'. She looked round to see nothing there so just said dont be silly hun etc but my nephew just looked round her again, pointed and said 'man'.... Hahah that would make me feel so dodgy.
i can get a bit bothered by that kinda thing too mark. It would definately make me a bit uneasy, especially if it was my own house! When my nephew was first beginning to talk my sister (his mum) was tucking him into bed when he pointed at the corner of the room and said 'Man....'. She looked round to see nothing there so just said dont be silly hun etc but my nephew just looked round her again, pointed and said 'man'.... Hahah that would make me feel so dodgy.
