Getting to know each other..........

Full Name: Matthew
DOB: 1988
From: Manchester
Favourite Club: Amensia
favourite DJ: Sander Van Doorn

Favourite promoter: Cocoon/Cream
Favourite Pub: The Footage Manchester (The Flea & Firkin)
What car do you drive: I don’t at the minute
Married/Single/With someone: With someone
Partners name: Jodie
Favourite position: Doggie
Best friends name: Daniel, Adam, Andrew.
Favourite food: Indian
Can you cook: Not well
Favourite drink: Bulmers/Peroni
Alcohol or drugs: Bit of both
What newspaper do you read: Generally just the Metro
Favourite programme: The Sopranos..Now the Inbetweeners
Favourite film: Reservoir Dogs
What makes you cry: -
Favourite colour: Black
Favourite outfit: Casual, jeans, t-shirt
Quick temper or plac!d: Quick temper sadly
Longest time stayed out clubing: Around 2 days
Best holiday/why: Ibiza 09, just ahead of Ibiza 08
Favourite place: Ibiza, nothing else compares
Bullied at school: No
Nickname: Streety
What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: Matthew
Full Name: stephen watt
DOB: 30/10/1983
From: greenock,scotland
Favourite Club: uk=he arches everywhere=amnesia
favourite DJ: above and beyond
Favourite promoter:
Favourite Pub: itaca
What car do you drive: mg tf
Married/Single/With someone: with someone
Partners name: kim
Favourite position:
Best friends name: darren,scott,stuart,grant
Favourite food: pizza
Can you cook: not very well.
Favourite drink: vodka
Alcohol or drugs: both (recreationly)
What newspaper do you read: sun
Favourite programme: family guy(dont watch a lot of tv)
Favourite film: anchorman
What makes you cry: losing family/friends
Favourite colour: blue
Favourite outfit: casual jeans,allsaints t shirts and plimsoles.
Quick temper or plac!d: quick tempered:(
Longest time stayed out clubing: friday to sunday
Best holiday/why: my 11 times to ibiza (do i really need to explain why)
Favourite place: es vedra
Bullied at school: nah
Nickname: stiv
What yer mam calls yer when she's angry:STEPHEN (usually get on really well with parents tho)
Full Name: Shane Mac
DOB: 5/1/81
From: Dublin
Favourite Club: Amnesia
favourite DJ: Prydz
Favourite promoter: none..
Favourite Pub: Morgan
What car do you drive: Dart..
Married/Single/With someone: With
Partners name: Elaine
Favourite position: top
Best friends name: colm
Favourite food: Asian
Can you cook: yes
Favourite drink: Guinness
Alcohol or drugs: alcohol
What newspaper do you read: times
Favourite programme: Wire/Sopranos/Family guy
Favourite film: Planes trains and automobiles
What makes you cry: onions
Favourite colour: white
Favourite outfit: jeans n shirt
Quick temper or plac!d: placid
Longest time stayed out clubing: 3 days
Best holiday/why: Ibiza 01 there for 3 months
Favourite place: on any nice beach..
Bullied at school: no
Nickname: Mac
What yer mam calls yer when she's angry:Shane.
Full Name: Petra Ni (or that's as much as I'll put anywhere online anyway in fear of identity theft and nutters... :lol: )
DOB: 13th June
From: Scandinavia (Sweden & Finland)
Favourite Club: Pacha Ibiza, Zouk Singapore, Warung Brazil, Cha Cha Bogota
favourite DJ: Frankie Knuckles, Danny Howells, Nick Warren
Favourite promoter: Renaissance, Global Underground
Favourite Pub:
What car do you drive: I cycle :)
Married/Single/With someone: With someone
Partners name: Nicholas
Favourite position: ooh cheeky
Best friends name: Sherley & Erika
Favourite food: Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Scandinavian
Can you cook: Sure
Favourite drink: Mojito, lavender lemonade
Alcohol or drugs: Alcohol and even that less and less all the time ;)
What newspaper do you read: Helsingin Sanomat
Favourite programme: Gavin & Stacey, Outnumbered, Shameless
Favourite film: Can't decide
What makes you cry: A lot of stuff
Favourite colour: White, turquoise
Favourite outfit: A nice dressalways does the job
Quick temper or plac!d: Quick temper unfortunately
Longest time stayed out clubing: Can't be much more than 12 hours, I'm lightweight
Best holiday/why: All holidays in Ibiza :D South America and South East Asia are lovely too
Favourite place: Ibiza, Brazil, Bali
Bullied at school: I grew up in Finland, no bullying here
Nickname: Pet, Petal
What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: Petra I guess, I try to not make her angry ;)
Full Name: Peter Healey
DOB: I am 34
Favourite Club: Privilege Ibiza
favourite DJ: Dj Alfredo & Norman Jay
Favourite promoter: Manumission (RIP)
Favourite Pub: Bar 2012 Weymouth England
What car do you drive: Old knackered ford modao
Married/Single/With someone: Married to Sarah
Partners name: Sarah
Favourite position: All of them ;-)
Best friends name: Sar, Dylan & Jessica, my family.
Favourite food: tapas and thai
Can you cook: Yer, I’m not too bad
Favourite drink: pino gresho
Alcohol or drugs:
What newspaper do you read: Local Paper
Favourite programme: The Inbetweeners
Favourite film:
and also

What makes you cry: the ending of “Finding neverland”
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite outfit: Casual Jeans and a designer T
Quick temper or plac!d: placid
Longest time stayed out clubbing: 29 hrs
Best holiday/why: 1st time in Ibiza, finding everything for the 1st time.
Favourite place: cala gracioneta
Bullied at school: A little for a year or so but it made me who I am today.
Nickname: Pete (Sar calls me Babe, It is funny when our kids call me Babe too)
What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: PETER
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Full Name: Kevin David Rowe
DOB: 17/01/85
From: Dublin
Favourite Club: Space
favourite DJ: Steve Lalwer
Favourite promoter: Darren Hughes
Favourite Pub: O' Connors
What car do you drive: Audi a4 1.9tdi
Married/Single/With someone: Complicated
Partners name: ****
Favourite position: any
Best friends name: Colly
Favourite food: Salmon
Can you cook: very poorly
Favourite drink: corona
Alcohol or drugs: both
What newspaper do you read: The guardian
Favourite programme: Dragens Den
Favourite film: Public enemies
What makes you cry: Leaving ibiza, deaths
Favourite colour: green
Favourite outfit: shirt, combats, shoes
Quick temper or plac!d: Defo quick temper
Longest time stayed out clubing: 32 hours
Best holiday/why: thialand - an experience of a life time
Favourite place: Ballyboughal pitch
Bullied at school: once, but nipped in bud
Nickname: figo
What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: nothing
Full Name: John Park (Parkie)
DOB: 18/06/86
From: Fraserburgh N-E scotland but move to Ibiza January 8)
Favourite Club: Amnessia
favourite DJ: 2ManyDjs
Favourite promoter: Cream
Favourite Pub: Cheers, Fraserburgh
What car do you drive: MG ZR
Married/Single/With someone: Single
Partners name:
Favourite position: all
Best friends name: Steven (party boy)
Favourite food: Steak
Can you cook: Yip
Favourite drink: cocktails, vodka, gin, morgans
Alcohol or drugs: both
What newspaper do you read: none
Favourite programme: The Inbetweeners or Top Gear
Favourite film: Trainspotting
What makes you cry: losing friends
Favourite colour: pale blue
Favourite outfit: Jeans n T shirt
Quick temper or plac!d: No temper at all, chilled out all the time
Longest time stayed out clubing: ??days
Best holiday/why: Ibiza august 09
Favourite place: wherever i happen to find myself when coming up 8O
Bullied at school: nope
Nickname: parkie
What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: john