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im just hoping Italy isn't, as straight forward as a roundabout the info out thereAustria is one of those
im just hoping Italy isn't, as straight forward as a roundabout the info out thereAustria is one of those
It isn't at presentim just hoping Italy isn't, as straight forward as a roundabout the info out there
Well that’s me f***ed then. We are in the no Booster campSpain have announced that from Feb 1st they will class 'fully vaccinated' as being minimum 2 doses and that your last jab was less than 9 months ago. So for most people they will now need a Booster jab.
Well that’s me f***ed then. We are in the no Booster camp
That’s just it, I’m not having it.They're easy enough to get now surely ?!
Hmmm I got the booster 16th December. So if I’m reading this right I need another jab between now and my trip in September.
As things stand...but I think 4th jabs are very much up for debate, it's very costly for countries to jab everyone and if the virus is weaker than the cost may outweigh the benefits
The vulnerable will certainly be getting their fourth jab; think some already have? As alluded to, would that be effective for the general population? If the max jabs you can have is three, yet Spain insist on four (or more as time passes) then there will be chaos and confusion.As things stand...but I think 4th jabs are very much up for debate, it's very costly for countries to jab everyone and if the virus is weaker than the cost may outweigh the benefits
Dont know where to start with that post... im fully 3 jabs in for what its worth. But you cant claim something is fine then go on to say you shouldnt do this or this. Get off the fence for want of a better phraseThe problem is that with this turn of the wheel the Omicron variant was less severe but more contagious. However, with the next turn of the wheel we could just as easily get a variant that is even more contagious than Omicron and deadlier than both Beta and Delta variants put together and it's that eventuality that we have to be prepared for. It's worth bearing in mind that it only takes 15-20% of a country's workforce to be disabled for 7-10 days for even the strongest economy to collapse completely, and that's without factoring in the extra strain on the NHS which would almost certainly also be 15-20% down in it's workforce. You people saying that you won't have the booster, that's absolutely fine, that's your choice entirely, but don't then moan that you can't go abroad- the chances are that regardless of the rules here the airlines won't let you fly because it might only take one infected person to infect an entire flight of 200-300 people and they have share prices and insurance costs to consider. Oh and do everybody a favour, if you've chosen not to get vaccinated or have the booster don't be a hypocrite and waste the NHS's valuable resources if you fall ill with any variant of Covid-19, you should live or die by your decision.
I would never say that people should be forced to have the jab. What I am saying is that if people have the choice and then choose not to have it they shouldn't complain that they can't do certain things because governments both here and abroad or firms have set parameters to protect people. It's incredibly hypocritical. And 75% of admissions to NHS hospitals with the Omicron Variant were un-vaccinated people. Most of them were incredibly fortunate it wasn't a more deadly variant, but it puts hospitals and their staff under an immense amount of unnecessary strain. How do I know this? I have a degree in Nursing Studies from UWE (Bristol) and 25 years of nursing experience in the NHS so your "Get off the fence for want of a better phrase" comment is pretty redundant.Dont know where to start with that post... im fully 3 jabs in for what its worth. But you cant claim something is fine then go on to say you shouldnt do this or this. Get off the fence for want of a better phrase