General annoyances

The gender reveal is a new one I think . Our house was the last hear about it. After the official reveal. probably 3weeks after all the cousins talking about it we finally watched it at inlaws house one Sunday and actually thought it was a sketch show.. Wanker level really high.. but if your job is sitting at home blog/Vloging crap.. fair enough....
Pay bar at a wedding, inviting someone then making them pay for the privilege.

Gender reveal parties, I found out I had daughters in the operating theatre, not by cutting into a cake.

Baby showers, oh I’m having a baby, please buy me loads of gifts for Instagram likes. And the only person sober is the mother to be.

Wedding gift lists / begging for money poem, what are you a 10 year old circling toys in the Argos catalogue?

Agree with all of these. Wedding gifts are very outdated, it used to be to buy the Bride & Groom stuff for a house because they'd never lived together until wedlock. Now Bride & Groom are probs on their 4th live in partner and have enough items to stock a small John Lewis. Just turning up (and often paying for a new outfit, hotels, taxis, drinks etc in the process) is enough of a gift.