Fur- cool or cruel?


I have always refused to buy the missus fur coats and such (used to be a sticking point in the early years of our relationship, although she's since gotten over it). But once I was with a group out in the Russian Far North and we were taken on a tour of a fur workshop. In order not to be rude, I picked up one of those arctic fox things, which I brought home for her... totally freaked her out when she saw its face staring back :lol:
(she's never worn it!)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: i'm not surprised she hasn't worn it. you'd keep wanting to put it on the floor and give it a drink of water and some pedigree chum.
trouble is people think like minks are the same as humans, as in they sense all the same things as us.

to be honest, science hasn't given us a lot of answers to this, but we do know that animals do sense a lot of stuff. But to be honest, the disease free life, free from a lot of stress that real life in the wild would bring, ending with a quick death at probably a slightly younger age probably isn;t all that bad than dieing slowly in the wild or being savaged by a predator. face it, that's what generally happens!

maybe they are not free to express a full range of activities in captivity, but people are working on this, and we still don't know if they MISS these activities. Animals are not exactly like humans, remember that.

so yes, fur is ok imo, but campaign for better living conditions based on scientific fact rather than emotion. You may not know this, but chickens in free range are infested with ring worm and TB, (96% ringworm) from walking in their own faeces, they peck each other to death (mortalitiy is higher in free range) and bully each other, as well as facing foxes who kill lots of them whilst only taking one to eat.

Which life would a baby prefer (think of animals as having similar brain functions) - a life solely in a pen, or in a HUGE pen with enemies and disease

What if it was a mink but it had the face of a small human baby ?

What then eh. EH !! EH !!

(particularly if its small human baby face was cute as opposed to an ugly baby)