Fur- cool or cruel?

wearing animal fur from an animal bred and killed solely to satisfy mans thirst for vanity is abhorrent, different when you live in the arctic circle and it's minus 20 and popping into your local branch of Millets isn't an option, but s****ing round the west end no need!!!
different when you live in the arctic circle and it's minus 20 and popping into your local branch of Millets isn't an option, but s****ing round the west end no need!!!
OK, I'll bite :twisted:

So where do you draw the line then? When is it OK, and when is it not?

Arctic reindeer herders use both the meat and the skins... is that ok? The animals are grown for the purpose.

If fur is OK if you live in a -20 C climate, what about -10 C?

What about cows and leather? Surely a vanity issue there too.
Reality of the weather, really... fact is, they keep you good and warm. When you're in -40 C weather in Novokuznetsk, Western animal-loving morality doesn't play a role!

I've also been out to regions where indigenous natives use the fur and skins of the animals they raise for clothes, shelter (to cover their wigwams or yarangas), etc. For them, it's just plain practical.

As always, good point Morbyd. Mother Nature is not kind, nor is she mean. She is non-judgmental. She will not feel sorry if one stays in lala land and refuses to conform to reality (by not making use of her gifts), and as a result suffer the consequences.

We would not have made it over thousands of years as humans had our ancestors not been practical. It is easy to pass judgment when one’s own rear end is not on the line, or when one has never had to really “fend for oneself” in their life. It is easy to say that eating cattle’s tongue is yucky when one has the finances to eat filet mignon.
but the Russians linger stronger, imo, because we firstly know so little about the country outside, and secondly, what little we do know merely reinforces that adman's view

You don't seem to be the type that reads many books...

I freely admit to finding women in fur seductive.

So you're saying you have an erotic attraction to women draped in animal corpses. There's a word for that...

What if it's fake fur? What is she's nude? What if she's an Eastern European supermodel animal rights activist? Nevermind, you already answered that question.

OK, I'll bite :twisted:

So where do you draw the line then? When is it OK, and when is it not?

Arctic reindeer herders use both the meat and the skins... is that ok? The animals are grown for the purpose.

If fur is OK if you live in a -20 C climate, what about -10 C?

What about cows and leather? Surely a vanity issue there too.

There are many vegan (non-animal) alternatives to wearing fur and leather. http://www.peta.org/living/alt2.asp

As far as the cold, vegetarians have scaled Mt. Everest.
As far as being Russian, Tolstoy was a vegetarian and wrote about it as well.
Also have you ever heard of 'siroyeshki'?

Leather? No need. Not even for shoes. Paul McCartney, for instance, buys at Vegetarian Shoes. His daughter Stella, is a famous vegan designer.
Much of the world's leather comes from cows in India, where they are often led to slaughter until they are exhausted to the point of collapse, at which point there is documented video (see a film called Earthlings) wherein their tails are broken and cayenne pepper is put in their eyes to force them to move on. Leather tanners have a higher rate of cancer.

For that matter, there has been a link between cancer and animal foods in general. See previous post and link to China Study.

It is easy to say that eating cattle’s tongue is yucky when one has the finances to eat filet mignon.

A vegan diet can be cheaper than one that contains animal products.


And as far as the polar bears, melting ice caps is a problem for everyone.

'A 2006 United Nations report summarized the devastation caused by the meat industry by calling it "one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global."'

If you care about your health, if you care about animals, if you care about the environment, then you may want to consider a vegetarian / vegan lifestyle, regardless of what climate you live in.

If you're reading this post, the issue of survival is not the same as it is for an indigenous people living in a harsh climate. You are not a member of an indigenous tribe that hunts for its survival in extreme arctic temperature. You, or someone you know, can afford electricity.

You have a choice. And you're most likely not hunting for your own meat or skins. Factory farming for food and fashion is a cruel, horrid existence. There are two videos posted in this thread, one for fur, one for meat. Have you watched them?

Just because someone else chooses to participate in the cruelty and slaughter of animals, does not excuse another from doing the same.
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OK, I'll bite :twisted:

So where do you draw the line then? When is it OK, and when is it not?

Arctic reindeer herders use both the meat and the skins... is that ok? The animals are grown for the purpose.

If fur is OK if you live in a -20 C climate, what about -10 C?

What about cows and leather? Surely a vanity issue there too.
fookin ell Johnny, still sore are we after being spanked by the scum??
Yes it's ok, read my post properly it's what I said, same with leather as it's a bye-product of the beef no point wasting it, the Spanish will use every molecule of a wild pig once they kill it! It's when we are relieving animals of their fur for no other reason than commercial gain, thats what I have a beef with.....beef gerrit??
Much of the world's leather comes from cows in India, where they are often led to slaughter until they are exhausted to the point of collapse, at which point there is documented video (see a film called Earthlings) wherein their tails are broken and cayenne pepper is put in their eyes to force them to move on. Leather tanners have a higher rate of cancer.


You are joking arent you? Cows are seen as sacred in India! They're treated better than some humans! You can't escape the bl00dy things... cows in shops, on the roads, on the beaches. They're fed by the general public and anything seen as disrespecting the holy cow is severely frowned upon!
You are joking arent you? Cows are seen as sacred in India! They're treated better than some humans! You can't escape the bl00dy things... cows in shops, on the roads, on the beaches. They're fed by the general public and anything seen as disrespecting the holy cow is severely frowned upon!

cows in india equals bonkers

they just walk into restaurants & get treated better than customers!

you never see anyone giving them a sly poke either, it's genuine sacredness.
You are joking arent you? Cows are seen as sacred in India! They're treated better than some humans! You can't escape the bl00dy things... cows in shops, on the roads, on the beaches. They're fed by the general public and anything seen as disrespecting the holy cow is severely frowned upon!

Unfortunately, it's not a joke. Here's a link to some of the footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhX-1gsxAGw

As stated previously, a film called Earthlings covers cruelty to animals in more depth.
i was in a club loo about a month ago, waiting in the queue and suddenly spied this 'animal' draped over a cubicle door. it had eyes, a snout, ears and wee paws. it was freaking all the girls out as it was so real, and when it's owner came out someone asked her what the heck it was - it was an arctic fox, basically the whole corpse made into a stole which she draped around her shoulders. yuk. i can't understand why would you would wear something like that, let alone in a sweaty club? :eek::eek::eek:
i was in a club loo about a month ago, waiting in the queue and suddenly spied this 'animal' draped over a cubicle door. it had eyes, a snout, ears and wee paws. it was freaking all the girls out as it was so real, and when it's owner came out someone asked her what the heck it was - it was an arctic fox, basically the whole corpse made into a stole which she draped around her shoulders. yuk. i can't understand why would you would wear something like that, let alone in a sweaty club? :eek::eek::eek:

I have always refused to buy the missus fur coats and such (used to be a sticking point in the early years of our relationship, although she's since gotten over it). But once I was with a group out in the Russian Far North and we were taken on a tour of a fur workshop. In order not to be rude, I picked up one of those arctic fox things, which I brought home for her... totally freaked her out when she saw its face staring back :lol:
(she's never worn it!)
i was in a club loo about a month ago, waiting in the queue and suddenly spied this 'animal' draped over a cubicle door. it had eyes, a snout, ears and wee paws. it was freaking all the girls out as it was so real, and when it's owner came out someone asked her what the heck it was - it was an arctic fox, basically the whole corpse made into a stole which she draped around her shoulders. yuk. i can't understand why would you would wear something like that, let alone in a sweaty club? :eek::eek::eek:

she sounds well sexy - probably had a higher class of gak in the toilets too