Fur- cool or cruel?

Animal rights protesters who go about freeing mink from fur farms have actually done far more harm to the environment through their actions. The mink have resulted in plenty of species of other animals bordering on extinction in this country.
Those who mistreat animals can also mistreat human. It is scientificly proven that all mass murderers used to torture animals when they were young. For an example leather is just a side product of food production and they took the animal skin off their bodies when they are allready dead. But some (most) people enjoy or don`t care if any living creature is suffering ... See where fur in most cases comes from:


Do not pretend you are living on a Christmas postcard, this world is a bloody place. And people will destroy everything until the day we will destroy ouselves.

p.s. I am not from an english speaking country, therefore I apologize for any linguistisc mistakes
How about meat? Animal products such as milk or eggs?

I only eat poultry and fish simply because these animals don't suffer so much as cows etc.

Hypocritial maybe but i couldn't live without some source of natural protein.

Meet Your Meat:


Some natural vegan sources of protein:
Soy (tofu is made from soy), beans, lentils, hemp, nuts, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, grains, etc... see link: http://www.peta.org/mc/factsheet_display.asp?ID=105 (Veganism and the issue of protein)

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Looks better on the animal IMO, and i think you will find alot of people
on spotlight will agree with me.
There was once a TV advert when this guy jumped a women and batterd
her with a club and when she fell to the ground he ripped off her fur coat
It was a hard hitting message to let you see how the fur was taken from
the animal and to see how would she like it.

VERY CRUEL :twisted: VERY SAD :cry:

bollox does it look better on the animal :rolleyes:
I am a creationist, and this belief states that a "God" person made us all and made humans in his image better than all the other creatures yada yada I won't bore you with religion- But from a pure scientific-evolutionist standpoint- we ARE animals so it wouldn't be a far shot to say that animals think the same way, no? As for the statement that cocks in free-range farms are sick because they wallow in their own ****, chickens in all farms wallow in their own ****.

I would love to share a spliff with you
bollox does it look better on the animal :rolleyes:





FUR Coats looks ****e and as such I cant see the attraction. Did hear a bloke on the radio saying the minks are farmed so on the level of principle its no different to eating farmed foods.

Still think they look crap and in some ways there IS something about them that rubs you up the wrong way. Probably a social conditioning thing that creates the hypocritical shouts of "wrong" .

The masses can eat farmed foods and not face too much contention but not everyone can afford to drop three large ones on a coat.:arrow:
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I love women in fur coats, that whole james bond schtik, oligarch's wives called Olga, Natalia, that kinda vibe

who gives 2 hoots about animals? - move over, your times up, a few less polar bears - tough titties
Still think they look crap and in some ways there IS something about them that rubs you up the wrong way. Probably a social conditioning thing that creates the hypocritical shouts of "wrong" .
I love women in fur coats, that whole james bond schtik, oligarch's wives called Olga, Natalia, that kinda vibe
I agree, Coley, it is very much a social conditioning thing. Coming from the US (and specifically, the more liberal-minded northeast) I've never been partial to fur, but you come to a place like Russia and there is very little opposition to it.

It's not an "oligarch's wife" thing at all, but a very common clothing item.

Reality of the weather, really... fact is, they keep you good and warm. When you're in -40 C weather in Novokuznetsk, Western animal-loving morality doesn't play a role!

I've also been out to regions where indigenous natives use the fur and skins of the animals they raise for clothes, shelter (to cover their wigwams or yarangas), etc. For them, it's just plain practical.
yes, but it's the perception though isn't it

and overseas, beautiful Russian women + wealth + fur = adman's stereotypical fantasies
Perpetuating false stereotypes! :spank:
(and all the men are vulgar vodka-swilling Ivans?? :lol:)

well, yes :lol:

I think certain national stereotypes are hard to break down

but the Russians linger stronger, imo, because we firstly know so little about the country outside, and secondly, what little we do know merely reinforces that adman's view


Yeltsin conformed to everyone's favourite stereotype of an alcoholic, tsar-era, russian peasant who somehow stumbled into the Kremlin

Putin conforms to everyone's favourite stereotype of a sinister, dour, ex-KGB apparatchnik with expressionless eyes hinting at menace and mistrust

and the women start off looking like this


and, somehow eventually turn into this

well, yes :lol:

I think certain national stereotypes are hard to break down

but the Russians linger stronger, imo, because we firstly know so little about the country outside, and secondly, what little we do know merely reinforces that adman's view


Yeltsin conformed to everyone's favourite stereotype of an alcoholic, tsar-era, russian peasant who somehow stumbled into the Kremlin

Putin conforms to everyone's favourite stereotype of a sinister, dour, ex-KGB apparatchnik with expressionless eyes hinting at menace and mistrust

and the women start off looking like this


and, somehow eventually turn into this


what a load of bollox u speak !!!! :eek:
not really - media stereotypes die hard. FACT.

to get back to the original point, I freely admit to finding women in fur seductive. I am suckered by this myth, perpetrated by spy films, ad agencies, cold war propaganda etc etc of what, say, Russians are like and once those stereotypes are in place, they are hard to displace.

if you think that's bollox, then perhaps you can you explain why?
not really - media stereotypes die hard. FACT.

to get back to the original point, I freely admit to finding women in fur seductive. I am suckered by this myth, perpetrated by spy films, ad agencies, cold war propaganda etc etc of what, say, Russians are like and once those stereotypes are in place, they are hard to displace.

if you think that's bollox, then perhaps you can you explain why?

nope cant be arsed to even start... sorry ;)