Fur- cool or cruel?


New Member
I recently turned vegan- after a week of trying it I decided it was worth the shot of trying it for as long as I can stand it- but I didn't do it for the "animal rights" issues, I did it for the health benifits. Even though I don't eat meat or animal products such as glycerin, gluten, milk or eggs, I don't see anything wrong with wearing fur. Fur to me is warm, fuzzy and classy. I am selling a women's mink fur walking coat on Ebay for a lady that inherited it from her deceased mother. It looks beautiful and if I had a serious girlfriend I would consider buying it for her (wincing at the $500 pricetag) because this vintage piece is in such good of a shape.

Some have problems with the wearing of fur. PETA recently helped sponsor a special faux fur that the average person can't tell isn't real and is still trying to pass leglislation to shut down the fur industry. Fur sales are starting to climb regardless of what PETA says. What's your opinion on the matter?

And for that matter- Leather. I just got done talking to someone who said "Fur is so cruel I'd never wear it" but is brandishing a leather belt- kinda hypocritical IMO. Sure, we eat the beef that is wrapped in said leather belt and it has been a while since I've seen a mink recipie, but to me it's one in the same.

How about meat? Animal products such as milk or eggs?
Looks better on the animal IMO, and i think you will find alot of people
on spotlight will agree with me.
There was once a TV advert when this guy jumped a women and batterd
her with a club and when she fell to the ground he ripped off her fur coat
It was a hard hitting message to let you see how the fur was taken from
the animal and to see how would she like it.

VERY CRUEL :twisted: VERY SAD :cry:
Defo sad.

How dare we use our primal friends for fashion :x

Wouldn't go as far as vegan cos i believe in the food chain, but what bothers me is how it's done.

I only eat poultry and fish simply because these animals don't suffer so much as cows etc.

Hypocritial maybe but i couldn't live without some source of natural protein.
Yeah it's more about how these coats are made - horrible. Google it and you'll read all the horror stories.. and the numbers of minks that have to die for a single coat is such a waste, poor little dudes :(

However, I do wear leather so I trade one slightly lesser evil for a greater one, so you won't hear me yelling it from the rooftops.. but neither would I buy anything fur. I find it quite tasteless IMO.
I dont agree with using fur for fashion. Theres plenty synthetic options these days so why continue to kill animals for clothes? We're not cavemen anymore. Like Mark, I don't preach but since you asked, heres my opinion.
I do have a problem with how its mass produced but I dont have a problem with the principle. I do believe that everything has a purpose and that tied in with my religious beliefs I think that providing warmth etc is a function of some animals. Who can argue with the eskimos for wearing fur.
On the environmental side, does anyone know the impact of the production of non man made fibres :?:
Gfunk, yes probably. Side reactions from sythetics (plastics) may lead to environmentally harmful by-products.
gfunk said:
Who can argue with the eskimos for wearing fur.

They don't exactly have much choice in the matter! They wear it to survive the harsh Arctic conditions as opposed to wearing it because Vogue says it was 'in'.
Clara said:
gfunk said:
Who can argue with the eskimos for wearing fur.

They don't exactly have much choice in the matter! They wear it to survive the harsh Arctic conditions as opposed to wearing it because Vogue says it was 'in'.

I agree Clara, what I am trying to say that I dont think that we dont have the right to demand that fur isnt used for clothing at all, but in terms of pure fashion people should at the very least be thoughtful and sympathetic. As I said earlier I dont believe in farming animals purely for their fur. I believe that for most of us this is the only realm that we have a 'right' to be forthright with our views.
In the same way that despite my personal feelings on hunting I dont believe that the way fox hunting has been banned is right. City folk forcing their personal beliefs on a portion of society they have no part of. (btw I classify myself in the city folk section).
Ya, I do know that approx. 15 minks (for small coats for small girls) up to 50 minks are electricuted or poisoned to make a coat.

Drew said:
Hypocritial maybe but i couldn't live without some source of natural protein.

Supadrewsta, one can aquire protein through beans and rice, nuts, soy products and many others. I will admit sometimes I miss the taste of a big, bloody steak in my mouth, but I feel much better physically after not eating any animal products for the past month and a half. On purpose that is. Gelatin is found in many candies and a few weeks ago I was eating spaghetti at a fancy Italian resturant when I discovered cheese in the sauce.

I think I will try this veganism for the rest of my life now. Although my mother did buy me a new suit and part of that is leather shoes and a belt :rolleyes:
I wear a leather because it's the best thing to protect me if I came off my motorbike and until they invent a synthetic that offers as much protection and is as affordable then I'll wear it! And whilst I can understand fur trappers and Eskimos wearing animal skins to protect them from the cold I can't understand why some posh tart would wear it draped accross their shoulders in the middle of summer. If it comes down to my protection or an animal's there's only gonna be one winner. Period. But anyone who wears an animals skin as a fashion statement, I have only one word - WANKERS
theres a big fat old bike in a bakery round here that always wears leather trousers.... bleurgh....
trouble is people think like minks are the same as humans, as in they sense all the same things as us.

to be honest, science hasn't given us a lot of answers to this, but we do know that animals do sense a lot of stuff. But to be honest, the disease free life, free from a lot of stress that real life in the wild would bring, ending with a quick death at probably a slightly younger age probably isn;t all that bad than dieing slowly in the wild or being savaged by a predator. face it, that's what generally happens!

maybe they are not free to express a full range of activities in captivity, but people are working on this, and we still don't know if they MISS these activities. Animals are not exactly like humans, remember that.

so yes, fur is ok imo, but campaign for better living conditions based on scientific fact rather than emotion. You may not know this, but chickens in free range are infested with ring worm and TB, (96% ringworm) from walking in their own faeces, they peck each other to death (mortalitiy is higher in free range) and bully each other, as well as facing foxes who kill lots of them whilst only taking one to eat.

Which life would a baby prefer (think of animals as having similar brain functions) - a life solely in a pen, or in a HUGE pen with enemies and disease
naddyz said:
Which life would a baby prefer (think of animals as having similar brain functions) - a life solely in a pen, or in a HUGE pen with enemies and disease

I am a creationist, and this belief states that a "God" person made us all and made humans in his image better than all the other creatures yada yada I won't bore you with religion- But from a pure scientific-evolutionist standpoint- we ARE animals so it wouldn't be a far shot to say that animals think the same way, no? As for the statement that cocks in free-range farms are sick because they wallow in their own shit, chickens in all farms wallow in their own shit.
Dual_Life said:
naddyz said:
Which life would a baby prefer (think of animals as having similar brain functions) - a life solely in a pen, or in a HUGE pen with enemies and disease

I am a creationist, and this belief states that a "God" person made us all and made humans in his image better than all the other creatures yada yada I won't bore you with religion- But from a pure scientific-evolutionist standpoint- we ARE animals so it wouldn't be a far shot to say that animals think the same way, no? As for the statement that cocks in free-range farms are sick because they wallow in their own shit, chickens in all farms wallow in their own shit.

animals DO have different brains to humans, and think differently. Yes it is true that there are similarities, but only chimps have been shown to be self aware (when placed in front of a mirror after having a red dot painted on their face whilst asleep they touch the red dot on their own face rather than touching the mirror or ignoring the dot, like humans would do). If you're including all animals, then technically you're saying that we think in the same way as worms. I presume by animals you mean mammals/birds, maybe you'd like to include reptiles? All of these species have far smaller brain to body weight ratio that we do,k with most if not all having smaller brains.

And there is still the FACT that battery cages were originally developed to keep birds out of their own faeces, because the wire floor allows the shit to fall to the ground below, hence reducing disease. Saying that all birds on farms wallow in their own shit is misinformed.

I won't even start on why creationism is wrong, that would require a whole new thread....