Freedom of Speech/Religious Extremism

Denmark will never be the same

Hi all

I come from Denmark, and must say that the past few weeks have changed Denmark for good! The things we didn't want to talk about before, have now become the main subject of speech and news in my country. In fact, the drawings will be kept in our history books here, in order to show new generations what went on - so, we are in the middle of history these days...

Whether you are pro or contra the drawings, I believe they have opened up for a long needed debate in this country...

I must say, however, it is very scary seeing the Danish flag being burnt in so many countries, so much hatred towards my little country - most Danes are -much surprised by this, I think...

Hope we Danes will be able to move about Ibiza in peace this summer, as we always have...we love to party and being able to drink our Carlsberg and Tuborg, and chatting to all you wonderful people out there, without risking our lives :p

Here's to a wonderful summer in peace!!!

-And come on England, go win that world cup, will ya?!!!!!!!!!!!!
One commentator made me laugh

"Well, in Iraq, there are country-wide shortages of fresh water, milk, and other essential items, though Danish flags are surprisingly easy to come by..."

(Or something similar(!))
Buckley said:
All of us want to know why we're here, how we got here and what happens after. I lost respect for my favourite teacher at school when I asked him to explain his Christianity because it didn't make sense to me. He responded that it was part of man's vanity that he couldn't accept what he couldn't understand. Like all faith, this could be used to support absolutely anything.

Pride? I am not too proud to accept the possiblity that I am merely an animal, that when I'm gone I may cease to exist in any form whatsoever. I'm not proud enough to be sure that, unlike the various other lifeforms that have lived on this planet, I am special, that unlike all the other living creatures, God created me in his own image and when I die (having remembered to repent before I buy the farm) I will be seated with in heaven.

I still haven't got the answer but I believe, in a reverse of my teachers statement, that is part of some folks vanity to accept what they cannot understand.

Any advances on this. I'm still looking.....
Buckley said:
Any advances on this. I'm still looking.....

come have a ciggie outside my work place and i'll introduce you to the 2 bible carriers who tried to convert me a few weeks ago. :lol:
Buckley said:
Any advances on this. I'm still looking.....

Yep....Try one of these books...Evidence for Truth: Science by Victor Pearce.

Any scientist worth his salt has proved the theory of creation it just like this geezer did.

Evidence and Science backs the creation theory, not the evolution one.

Don't worry, Buckley is not around:lol:

He's behind you!

Straight off the back of the Scientology programme last night.

Do followers of other religions not see that Scientology is purely a formative version of how their church started. Much like accepted religions now, Scientology won't need the extreme edges of their recruitment and retaining strategies once they meet critical mass.

For example, is their attempt to muffle all criticism for fear it will impact on their growth any different in it's motivation from the certain churches failure to address paedophiles within their ranks?
Any further agreement on the danger of allowing the unproven to be taught as fact in light of recent events?
that depends if your a sucker for mass media coverage or not....


Mass media coverage aside you must see that you can only teach the extremism driving recent terrorist acts if you don't have to prove what you teach.

(And I am separating general religious folk from extremists, to be clear that I understand while the basis of their belief is identical, ie faith, I do not see them as aligned.)
(And I am separating general religious folk from extremists, to be clear that I understand while the basis of their belief is identical, ie faith, I do not see them as aligned.)

Thats fair enough. I generally believe that a lot of this is staged as well to abolish religion. That is the way things are heading so it "helps" to build a case for that standpoint.

ID cards for all means no more terrorists, wrong doers, benefit cheats etc.:rolleyes:

I remember seeing a Muslim fella on TV (non-radical dude on BBC London) mentioning that alot of these guys are planted by the government after being pressed by the presenter. I certainly felt his angle was far more accurate than the lies we get fed by the mass media on a daily basis.:evil: Incidentally she quickly changed tack to avoid the conversation heading down that route.:spank:

Obviously we get nutters that do exercise extremism and are prepared to do anything to get their point across. I agree with you Buckley to say that preaching what cant be proved is not a good way forward.;););)