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Just wondered how much this is delayed by and will it effect the strip of bars restaurants along the marina/port front in Ibiza town (Base/Rock/Pirata)?
Also learned that the Pride festival will have a stage in the port area - anybody know where this will be and if the current delays will effect its location?
Interested to know - we base our nights around this area.
I'm not 100% sure they'll have it finished by 23rd may - that was the date they announced (if there haven't been any new announcements that I've missed). they are working heavily on it now though and there's clearly progress every day. I do think they'll have it finished pretty soon for sure - like maximum end of may/start of june? don't take my word on that though, I'm just estimating.

McRackin what do you think?
what do i think? i think the level of disorganization is unbelievable... i'll give you an example i saw with my own eyes: the first friday of may it was workers day so, although the works didn't stop, the guy in charge of the whole reform took three days off work... when he came back on monday mid-morning he wasn't happy with the tiling at the end c. castelar and ordered to REMOVE IT ALL (maybe if you've been there looking after your staff they'd have done it correctly)!

the people from the few shops nearby already open (the rest, which always open around easter, didn't bother this time) were raging...

(i haven't been in the port since that monday so i can't comment how it is right now although, according to DDI, they continue saying it will be finished next week)
today when i was having a look a couple of girls that passed next to me (tourists i think as they were carrying big suitcases) described it perfectly... charmless!
crazy shit: FREE entrance for cars to the new promenade, at least momentarily ...

La Autoridad Portuaria abre el puerto de Vila al tráfico rodado
El organismo estatal asegura que todavía no se ha recepcionado la obra, finalizada el viernes
26.05.2015 | 11:03

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Coches y motos aparcados ayer en el vial de acceso. J.A.R.

r. s. v. | ibiza Los vehículos de motor pueden desde ayer entrar al reformado puerto de Vila y estacionar en él y no únicamente los de residentes y comerciantes, sino los de cualquier ciudadano que desea acercarse a la fachada marítima para comprobar el resultado de los trabajos realizados.

La presencia de turismos y ciclomotores, que pueden estacionar a lo largo de una línea de aparcamiento que recorre la calzada principal, afea bastante el resultado de la obra, de la que los vecinos destacaban precisamente que había «despejado» la visual. Sin embargo, la presencia de vehículos y la habilitación de espacios para aparcar ha sido largamente reclamada por la Asociación de Vecinos y Comerciantes del Puerto, que entiende que los potenciales clientes de sus negocios tienen que tener facilidades para acceder a la zona. La semana pasada, antes de la finalización de la obra, una técnica de la APB explicó a los miembros de esta asociación que por el momento, y hasta que empiece a funcionar la barrera de entrada (acontecimiento que carece de fecha) el acceso rodado al puerto será libre para todo el mundo. De este modo se consigue el efecto contrario del perseguido inicialmente con esta remodelación: sacar los coches de la fachada marítima y devolver los andenes a los ciudadanos.

La APB informó hace una semana de que ayer se realizaría una inspección de la reforma para detectar posibles deficiencias que la constructora deberá resolver como paso previo a la aceptación de la obra por parte del organismo portuario. Ayer, un portavoz de la APB señaló que esta inspección la deben llevar a cabo sus propios técnicos, pero no aclaró si ésta se ha realizado ya o no. Lo que sí especificó es que la obra todavía no se ha recepcionado y que «no hay fecha de recepción».
recorded today...

:arrow: VIDEO

... as you can see, it's faaar from finished! the PP lied, once again, to save their asses but they've lost the elections anyway!

omg. all this cement in the video/pics looks terrible
and doesn't fit at all to the old town.
but what i hate most are these disgusting poopbrown lampposts (or whatever this ill nonsense is) .:mad:
Can not remember what it looked like before, but it was a bit meh really. Not something you'd go to visit as a tourist I'd guess. We did walk down, dodging the strange raised same coloured stones and had a drink at Thai'd up, whilst watching the sun set behind the town and the bass line filter down from ims day 2
Was good to have a night off craig72. Walked back through bars/small shops and into the Dalt Vila for a great meal at La Oliva. Love Ibiza Town
won't take long time that there will be full house @ the new megayacht/boat"parking" ...
