Footwear in Clubs?


New Member
I was just readin the post on dress codes and was trying to think what footwear i took out for clubbing purposes last year!

anyway - can anyone refresh my memory and tell me if the clubs let you in wearing Trainers?
none of the bigger ones really..but I wouldn´t wear my best pair of shoes to go clubbing in..people step on your toes and you easily smash up a pair!
Yes. they will dut don't put on your old scanky ones from 3 years ago, make shure they are new & funky.
I got into Priverlage in my (Nu Balance) sandles.
Thank godness for that!

Alot of the clubs over here have a problem with letting people in with Trainers on!
yeah trainers are ok but trendier ones in pacha etc probably better not white but someone else might know different, there probably stricter on whats worn up top, its not like they have definite rules like they do in uk like shoes only, funky is fine though, make an effort have been to eden once and it was full of guys in shorts and t shirts, if you like the girls to make the effort and look sexy you should to, dont think they want to look at at someone that looks like the've just rolled of the beach, what do girls think?
ive wore white trainers in Pacha before, they were top line ones so as long as they are clean and smart ull be ok.

I thought sandles and sport shorts were the only dress banned in clubs?
Trainers are fine, last year i got in clubs wearing rifts,pumas,puma/sparco mock racing slippers, loads of different styles really,never been turned away or seen anyone else turned away for wearing trainers :)
I've never been requested to do anything other than hand over my money to be allowed into any club on Ibiza?

No-one has ever looked at what i was wearing or what i might be carrying (except cameras or drinks).

Except: Some girl at Eden tried to turn me away coz i was wearing trousers that finished at my knee. I had worn the same one's to Pacha the night before. She was, aparently, concerned about the quality of clientele that night. In Eden. Honestly. I ignored her.

Personally, i quite like getting dressed up to go clubbing.Nothing like feeling sexy and looking the best you can manage when everyone else is doing the same.
The first thing i look at is someones shoes, well maybe the second thing after the face.
If hate seeing people in either bad or scruffy shoes. I hate seeing sports trainers as well. There are loads of different types of cool trainers to wear instead.
Sandals are cool and i find them stylish on men ( without the socks ) LOL
i've just bought some white base london 95 trainers (you know the ones i mean) they look nice now whilst they are white and i intend on keeping them white till i get back from Ibiza
craigyt2k1 said:
i've just bought some white base london 65 trainers (you know the ones i mean) they look nice now whilst they are white and i intend on keeping them white till i get back from Ibiza
I have no idea which ones you mean but try and keep them nice and white, there snothing worse than off white grey trainers.
I'll have to visit Topman and somewhere else before i depart for a pair of good trainers...does anyone wear "slip-ons" to the clubs?
Howie said:
Thank godness for that!

Alot of the clubs over here have a problem with letting people in with Trainers on!

What do they expect blokes to wear out for clubbing, that's what gets me!!!! :lol:

I ALWAYS wear my trainers (acupunctures) out clubbing these days and have never had any probs getting in clubs either here or Ibiza although I've never been to Pacha and think I'll be wearing girlie sandals when I go there.