hi all, wow there is loads of information here! I'm moving over after christmas and will be going to look at schools (they will be going to a public school) around october but would like to know if you already have kids in school, how did they settle in? Are the lesson's similar to england? For some reason i keep thinking the teachers are going to be really strict, i don.t know why so how have you found the teachers? And how are the other parents is their a mix of nationalities in most schools so maybe some english speakers who could help? I speak quite good spanish and still learning and will start having some lessons in catalan when i arrive but it would still be nice to have a few english speaking friends. I'd really appreciate any replies, thankyou
Hi Mason, if its Santa E you are thinking of then I can fill in a few bits. We have been thinking about moving to the island for the last 6 months or so and are still undecided. Our plan was always to move around Jan 2011 due to my work commitments in the UK. We are still undecided but will be on holiday on the Island in about a weeks time until the begining of September so I think we will decide then.
Anyway, first you need to register on the Padron (local council head count). For this you need to own a property or rent one long term. This entitles you to schooling for your kids.
There are 3 schools in Santa E. all are mixed. I took my family over to see them in March, they all have different rules with regard to viewing.
The first school issued us with a teacher who gave us a tour whilst the school was open.
The second asked us to come back when the school was shut.
The third had a day in May when it opened its doors to all.
Having done the tour of the first we didn't bother with the rest.
The school seemed very relaxed and the children happy. We were concerned about the language barrier but were assured that they would be bilingual in no time! My kids are 6 and 2 so still sponge like!
Also, the system is such that if your children aren't keeping up with the rest of the class they will remain in the same year for a second time. We were assured that the language barrier was taken into account so I guess if your kids are clever they will move up a year anyway.
I think the teachers are pretty laid back, it is Ibiza after all! Word on the street is that they love their work and the kids enjoy going. We were also told that if we needed to take our kids out for a holiday then it was not usually a problem, something you would never hear in the Uk.
From what I could tell, the school we visited had different nationalities of kids (and teachers) but were predominantly Spanish.
What you need to do when you make the move is go to the education office in Ibiza town, there is a very nice lady there (name escapes me) but she is fluent in English. Her mum is English. Anyway, due to the time of year your kids will be placed in a school with a vacancy as close to where you live as possible. Your kids can be moved to another school of your choice if a place becomes available and you prefer that school. (you may want both your kids at the same school).
If you phone the education office the lady will fill you in on everything over the phone. If you do so please post her name on here so I get it right next time.
Anyway, thanks for keeping my old post alive! Good luck with the move and keep us informed. You never know, might bump into you in January at the school gate!