Slightly off the beaten track in terms of Ibiza but another obvious example of how EDM has affected dance music.

A newish track from Infected Mushroom's recent collab album. The EDM influences in this are absolutely obvious. Particularly that drop around 1.35. I actually love this track, largely because it has many other interesting elements that take it beyond the typical EDM tune - the more psy bit around 4.30 is brilliant, for example.

But Infected Mushroom are just a very rare example of an artist that have moved in the EDM direction (I mean, they moved to LA and everything ....) but have continued to make diverse and complex music. It's still caused huge debate and infighting among IM die-hards mind.

IM's music still has subtleties but, like everything else these days, favours impact.
with edm crowd it's more 14 to 18 year olds "

That's probably the case. And don't you feel this is the start of marketing clubbing as something fashionable to this age bracket?

Looking back on when I was growing up, it felt like there was a clearer separation between 'clubbing' and 'going out on the town'.

Clubbing was dark rooms, repetitive music. If you were into clubbing you were more likely to be seen as a school drop out or a drug user. None of this was especially cool. It was probably something you did on the sly, out of the sight of work colleagues or more 'respectable' friends.

Now, clubbing is hand-in-hand with celebrity culture. It's fun and sexy. It's VIP areas and champagne cocktails. Apparently, it's a clear sign that you are not square and might actually have some social skills beyond Twitter and Facebook. You don't do it on the sly, you post endless photos from the event using your selfie stick.

We are spawning a generation whose idea of a 'rave' will be completely in line with what is mainstream fashionable.
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I'm curious to know how tranceheads feel about the underground techno scene. I notice - from these forums alone - that a lot of the trance contingent take a foray to Cocoon. Is this a result of Papa Sven's history with trance? or is it merely the appeal of the Circoloco/Cocoon double-header??

Sometimes when I listen to Joris Voorn I feel that some of his track selection contain elements of trance. What do others think?
I'm curious to know how tranceheads feel about the underground techno scene. I notice - from these forums alone - that a lot of the trance contingent take a foray to Cocoon. Is this a result of Papa Sven's history with trance? or is it merely the appeal of the Circoloco/Cocoon double-header??

Sometimes when I listen to Joris Voorn I feel that some of his track selection contain elements of trance. What do others think?

I've not actually been to Cocoon myself yet but I'd certainly be open for giving it a try. (I actually think the potential overcrowding at the venue is more of a concern to me than the music policy.)

I've become a lot more open to techno in the last 6 months. My taste is quite specific mind and I tend to have to dig to find what I like, but I'm warming to it quickly. And as said, I've started playing it in my warm up sets as a DJ.

I'm not alone in trance circles I think. I think some trance fans are a bit bored of the trance music being released currently. It's very formulaic. And this weird creative split between the different ends of the tempo spectrum. The quality isn't really there in the new releases at the moment. So many like me have turned to other things to fill any void, techno included.

And as you mention, some of what is going on in techno has trance undertones. Or least, it has some trance elements that mean it makes a suitable alternative for someone like me who feels regular trance music is lacking some vital ingredients. The same is true of house music really. Some house is extremely melodic and subtle at the moment.
I like trance progressive and *gasp* edm. But think you hit nail on head, if it's cookie cutter music my numbers (progression drop etc) it kinda bores me.

Done circo loco and like what I managed to hear of the music from smoking area, inside was to way to packed for me. Cocoon on the other hand was pretty empty so lots of free space. But this was end of June. Kinda liked Josh winks transitions which kept me interested. Bits in between got a little long for my tastes though.
To me "EDM" is a term, not a genre. It's more of a youth movement which has associations with lots of dance music sub-genres, namely: hardstyle, electro, dubstep, progressive house, trance, trap... I could probably go on.
And when I say "associations" I mean the commercial end of the spectrum of those genres. I fully acknowledge, as much as I or other spotlighters may find it unfathomable, that there are underground scenes of other kinds of music besides house & techno.
hardstyle, electro, dubstep, progressive house, trance, trap... I could probably go on.

I think it's various elements from each of those genres rolled up into one, homogeneous, commercially viable, drop obsessed mess, plus all the other mainstream baggage that makes it currently fashionable.

I remember in my late teens and early twenties, I used to freely use the term EDM as a way of referring to the totality of club music - as an umbrella term. Electronic Dance Music - you know, music that is produced electronically that you dance to. I hate that it has been completely appropriated for something else.
I can get someone under 20 maybe liking Guetta and Avicii etc, but grown adults? They can't really like music can they?
I can get someone under 20 maybe liking Guetta and Avicii etc, but grown adults? They can't really like music can they?

You'd be surprised ... mind you, some adults (especially those with access to HUGE amounts of [other peoples'] money in my humble experience) have a mental age of far less than 18 well into their middle age. I think the closer things are to a kids' birthday party soundtrack - or a nursery rhyme - the more appropriate it is, and very fitting to the overgrown infants they are !
Carl cox interview in the sun today. Massively sums it up "people from 20 to 50 and beyond are dancing to house and techno , which is amazing " "that is a wide audience with edm crowd it's more 14 to 18 year olds "

Sums that up in a nut shell me thinks .
He comes out with some great quotes does coxy.

Like the pop culture v underground quote
you might as well lose that RB & vodka.

I am not 100% sure it's still 500€ (but yes, that's what it used to be), maybe it's double nowadays, but what is true (AFAIK) is that they all get the same amount of money and that, compared to almost everywhere else they play, it's really a VERY small fee.

if its still 1,000 euros or less i'll buy Stivi, Dirk B and ElMoorea a red bull and goose - I arrive next Thursday ;-)

I can prob find out pretty quickly how much one of their regulars gets....