
All about the mojitos for me this weekend, gone right off rose, turns my stomach right now :(

Sometimes i do get a bit 'bored' of it if i had too many across a few days...

As for Mojitos....i was drinking the one and only in Cuba year before last, thats the real deal right there 8)
people who talk about drinking I don't find very interesting

but people who have been drinking and then send outrageous emails around work slandering all the recipients I find extremely interesting

A guy at our work is known to indulge in a bit of drinking...all the time.
He does loads of overtime and came in to the office one saturday (still a bit leathered one thinks) and instead of emailing his wife the following "The bloody b*stards have locked me in, I'm stuck, please help!! xxxx" he sent it to the whole company.

Later on that day he emailed us all again (instead of his wife) with "Oh no they havent, i just forgot to take my pass to the door to get out"
Friday: relax in the park with the missus

Saturday: fume on the sideline while watching my footy team battle with the only team that can win the league instead of us, because the ban for my only ever sending-off has come though

Sunday: sunshine

Monday: work from home, then fly to NYC8)
Add to what i'm doing: Gonna go down to Birmingham a little bit early, have a look around HTFR then go to the Bullring.
Meet with the grandparents (staying at theres for Godskitchen... so they get to see me trashed on sunday! ), and chill with them for a bit.

Then rock it up to Sied Van Riel, Alex M.O.R.P.H, John O'Callaghan, and Gareth Emery
Mine was pretty good, nothing special was planned.
Was really good just to go out for a few beers and catch up with some mates.
Hit up Godskitchen. Got royally f*cked up, :lol:
Didn't drink though, which I could of done. Munched on chocolate instead. Been 4 months for that too.

Currently suffering severe midweek blues. Although how much of that is related to being back at work, and from the weekend, I don't know.

Had a lovely BBQ up in Harrogate on the Friday, beautiful weather too.
Thu : Forensic. Cracking night - great tunes danced for hours in my own little worldy - then it went downhill badly - around 3 got a call from mate who was doing everyone's head in earlier to say he had been asked to leave the premises for dealing - he wasnt - he was just being p*****d and obvious - :spank:

Ended up stupidly going back to his after he called us again to say he had been asked to leave the lap dancing club around the corner from the club we were in - why or why or why did I agree to that - was having a great time in the club .... got home Fri mid morning....

Felt awful all weekend and didnt help that the parents were back ...

my days of dabbling are now dying the death - and to be quite honest - dont really care about it anymore - think I can quite easily do the club without the additional things and go home and sleep rather than carrying on back at a mates when you didnt really want to in the first place....:evil:

Lesson Learnt...
contrary to my pessimism, had a rather good weekend in the end - nice warm evening in the hootenany beer garden in brixton on friday. Felt very balearic in the warmth and the illuminated garden and decking outside. Then a local one on saturday, a great thai meal and pulled someone at the end of it. and then the sea on sunday. I didn't do any nightclubbing at all over the weekend but there's nothing I could really kick myself for missing. I've changed!
One of the great weekends. Did the coast 2 coast bike ride. Started off in Whitehaven & cycled to Sunderland over 4 days. 3 good nights in lovely pubs, amazing scenery, never felt fitter in my life 8)
Quietest easter of life so far.

Popped into Prosumer and Elif Bicer on Thursday. Was great = stayed sober and enjoyed watching the munters/got annoyed with constant dealers tapping me on the shoulder.

Music was great upstairs but Ben Klock techno downstairs was booooring.

Rest of weekend involved park time and meals out.

Feel rested today. 8)
Good weekend for me.

Friday - went to a big fancy art gallery exhibit opening, followed by an entertaining goodbye house party for a friend, then to a bohemian cafe/club where a lot of journalists like to hang out and drink cheap booze, followed by Krysha Mira where I enjoyed the sunrise from the rooftop dancefloor to the DJ stylings of Audiofly 8)

Saturday - Watched football all afternoon/evening, then met up with mates for drinks in honor of one of their birthdays, then a bit of bar hopping and an early return home (around 6am :lol:)

Sunday - Lazy afternoon then went to a friend's place for dinner. She's a former chef for Prince Charles, among others... made an amazing roast.
Digweed at Bedrock was on good form.

Was way too busy to start with, so really only got into it after about 3.. usual signature prog tunes from him, twisting and melodic at the same time. Tunes you think are going nowhere but then hit you.

Not too impressed with Arcadia though. Very hot and looks quite rough round the edges, but in a bad way.

Funny moment was Becki's mate who we were supposed to meet up inside ended up at Pulse (for Carl Cox) by mistake.

To be fair to her she isnt a clubber and the two places are VERY near, plus both clubs had very similar massive queues.

Talking of which I'm hearing the usual heat issues with Pulse again at the Cox night