
I took mushrooms one time, went home and cried to my mum and Dad, told them what I done. Never touched Hallucinogenics again :lol:

I had one shroom experience I didn't like - but it was trying to tell me something. I think the trick is to do it somewhere safe/familiar, relax and be willing learn/gain insights. Some of the chems I mentioned above have a positive push, and others can be given a positive push by adding a little md into the mix. Of course, if you force it into being positive, there are lessons you could miss out on, and it's more just a great visual show. i think the real gains are probably at level 5 (ego loss/merging with the universe), but I haven't got there so far.
I've always put it off limits, but after messing around with shrooms, 2cb, 2cb-fly and 1p-lsd, and wanting the experience to go further, I'd like to dip my toes in the water. Would probably start with half a tab in any case!

I love it but would never take it in a club.

make sure you have enough time, aren't alone and can put your phone or any other distractions away. don't do it if you have any serious worry or sorrow - it will bite you in the ass.

if you consider this, it is one of the greatest substances I have ever tried.
I love it but would never take it in a club.

make sure you have enough time, aren't alone and can put your phone or any other distractions away. don't do it if you have any serious worry or sorrow - it will bite you in the ass.

if you consider this, it is one of the greatest substances I have ever tried.

Yeah, I strictly take my psychs at home, which is a shame, as I'm sure mushrooms + outdoors would be amazing. They have a very 'natural' feel and don't seem to combine well with regular music, television, etc. I need a big stretch of private land. :D That said, they worked well with music when already on md and 2cb - every song seemed to change what was going on.
Yeah, I strictly take my psychs at home, which is a shame, as I'm sure mushrooms + outdoors would be amazing. They have a very 'natural' feel and don't seem to combine well with regular music, television, etc. I need a big stretch of private land. :D That said, they worked well with music when already on md and 2cb - every song seemed to change what was going on.

ah yes definitely outdoors!!
I had mushrooms twice, liked it but It lasted a bit too long.
I think I would enjoy the experience a lot better now older and wiser.
Some good advice listed above if was ever to do it again il definitely be resding it again thanks.
Not to be messed with as others say, fine line between heaven and hell
Last too long- good in patches o_O

I’m relatively young I’d like to think, but remember at Primary school we occasionally got sent letters home warning about acid in the area because of the cartoons.

Since being old enough to dabble, it is something I very rarely hear is around. A couple of festivals a side, it has not been in our circles for well over 10 years. Different now with the dark web no doubt?
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Since being old enough to dabble, it is something I very rarely hear is around. A couple of festivals a side, it has not been in our circles for well over 10 years. Different now with the dark web no doubt?

I think I can get it. 1p-lsd was certainly 'legal' for a while, but I only tried half a tab - on top of 2cb-fly and shrooms, mind - so no idea what its unique character is. i think that was when my friend developed a 3rd eye and multiple arms, Hindu goddess style. :D
I think I can get it. 1p-lsd was certainly 'legal' for a while, but I only tried half a tab - on top of 2cb-fly and shrooms, mind - so no idea what its unique character is. i think that was when my friend developed a 3rd eye and multiple arms, Hindu goddess style. :D

if you ever get acid, do yourself a favour and do not mix it with anything...especially not if it is your first time.