
We head out next Saturday for a week ( no kids ) not tried a pill in 15 years but would love a wee half if any good. Ye just can't trust anyone these days compared to the 90s.
Last thing I need is tripping my balls off for 8 hours when I was looking a good buzz 😆
As strong or stronger in some cases nowadays..even a half can have you buttered.. enjoy
A group I know tried the LV pills a few weeks back. Ok’ish. Bit of a sudden come up, Not as good as soundclouds of last year

They slept fine etc, but said would try others if possible.
Anyone tried pink/tucci? My mates have but all i get in reply when i ask what its like is “mental, gets you really wrecked”:lol:
Anyone tried pink/tucci? My mates have but all i get in reply when i ask what its like is “mental, gets you really wrecked”:lol:
I haven't tried, but have probably mixed it inside my own body before 😆, tests have shown its generally equal parts MDMA & Ket with Caffeine and a small amount of Coke, plus other adulterants in small quantities - Of all the things to take, its seems pretty foolish. Not that we really ever know what we are buying, but to buy something that is definitely a mixture of all sorts of stuff seems like a recipe for disaster.
Anyone tried pink/tucci? My mates have but all i get in reply when i ask what its like is “mental, gets you really wrecked”:lol:
I think there are two kinds that float about one that is £ and another that is £££

When i have looked into it before you get different reports on what it is. Some say its a mish mash of all sorts some say its a premium product
Never heard of it actually being premium, may have been marketed that way hahaha, pretty much all known tests on it have put it as a mixture of MD/KET