
It worked! So yeah are these the ones in circulation? Seem a good press
I had these in June. Thought they were quite low level, not as strong as orange soundclouds, although not that much less. A mate with lower tolerance preferred them as they felt less intense.
Il do a full review in a few days cos I’m busy but they were plenty enough for me!! Had one and a half (couldn’t find the last half, looked in every pocket for ages with no joy, but then found it first time of looking wen I woke up this morning 😂) rolling lovely, nice jaw clenched and lovely feeling. Defo recommend!!
First bash in a year aswell so low tolerance but still, lovely
Probably should have mentioned my tolerance is sitting very high at the moment 😂.

Glad it all went well and I didn’t kill the vibe! Go again!

I’m also a specialist in illogically losing them, the boys have strip searched me before, yet the morning after they appear again. It’s actually magic at this point. Occasionally they disappear in our hotel room, yet never appear again, even though they can’t be anywhere else 🤷🏻‍♂️
Me too my friend tried to get me to do magic mushrooms in amsterdam, never done it before and told her I am not trying it now! Too old for
Probably should have mentioned my tolerance is sitting very high at the moment 😂.

Glad it all went well and I didn’t kill the vibe! Go again!

I’m also a specialist in illogically losing them, the boys have strip searched me before, yet the morning after they appear again. It’s actually magic at this point. Occasionally they disappear in our hotel room, yet never appear again, even though they can’t be anywhere else 🤷🏻‍♂️
M8 it’s actually f***ed, I’m in the smoking area looking in every pocket, knowing I’ve got it somewhere 🤣 ffs
Probably should have mentioned my tolerance is sitting very high at the moment 😂.

Glad it all went well and I didn’t kill the vibe! Go again!

I’m also a specialist in illogically losing them, the boys have strip searched me before, yet the morning after they appear again. It’s actually magic at this point. Occasionally they disappear in our hotel room, yet never appear again, even though they can’t be anywhere else 🤷🏻‍♂️
Going again tomorow, first ever pikes night! Excited
So ok, bit more time now sitting on my balcony after a proper chilled ibiza hangover day, lots of alcohol and beaches!

Dropped a half at about 12.30 on walk to Eden (went children of the 80s first at hard rock with the mrs, was actual cheese but loved it!)
Got club at about 12.45 (solo, mrs stayed hotel) and felt nice, went dance floor straight away. Kicked in nice within minutes of dancing and was properly rolling, well happy!
First time in Eden after like 6-7 times on the island and must say, I f***ing loved it, felt lots more intimate than the bigger clubs. I had a slightly elevated position from the dance floor and wen looking down, it seemed like the dj is amongst the crowd, especially since they all had a big entourage so were literally surrounded.

So yeah, rinse and repeat on half doses every hour for a guess and loved life.
Chatted nob to friendly strangers and had a great night! Also, never been a fan of Hannah wants but she went pretty dirty, was proper tribal house vibes with her and melé and would recommend if u liked sankeys style vibes.

Hasta luego x
Generally pro individual choice, but the littering is so bad I hope the ban improves it.

Lots of kids ending up criminal records for nothing though
Surely the ideal thing would be much stiffer sentences for people caught littering balloons or chargers? But then of course that wouldn't appeal to the anvil-headed neo fascists reading the Daily Mail or the Express :spank:
Just picked up a couple of pills that are square, light neon green with what looks like a little ghost imprint. Was told we were getting orange soundclouds so a bit miffed!
Anyone come across these?
Looks like Scotland has found a way to get its first drugs consumption facility.

The Taliban have massively reduced poppy production which paradoxically has made street supply even more dangerous. If fentanyl fills the gap what will be deemed safe? It's all got very complicated when skag is seen as the lesser evil
