
It makes zero sense to add fentanyl to coke to cut it if you are a dealer on the island.

Taste your md if you don’t have a test kit, you’ll soon know.

Could be a case of contamination rather than it being deliberately added, and remember a tiny amount of fentanyl can be deadly.
With all this about dodgy batches etc. Anyone have any good experience and some recommendations on batches/prints to look out for?
Could be a case of contamination rather than it being deliberately added, and remember a tiny amount of fentanyl can be deadly.
Unlikely- it seems to be in vogue in the US at the moment. It's only 2-3 months ago 5 comedians died with fentanyl-laced cocaine in America (two others at the get-together survived. Just.). It's a mental thing to do though.
I saw online 6, 7, 11 deaths. No shocker if this turns out to be bs.
The number is now 40, I've heard from 3 different workers on the island and DC10 closed early because of it last night. One for the gossip thread perhaps, but grim nevertheless. There's no smoke without fire
The deaths thing has already been rebuked (see McRackin's post above). DC10's issue was related to noise.

In any case, it's still a reminder to be sensible and err on the side of caution if you are in the market
If any British tourist had died in Ibiza it would be in the news/tabloids in the UK. Has it been reported in official Spanish news outlets? I just think it's fake news
The number of deaths seems like fakenews but I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually happening. If it isn't true at all, at least now people are being cautious
The number of deaths seems like fakenews but I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually happening. If it isn't true at all, at least now people are being cautious

more proof that the story was simply a hoax

(of course being cautious should be a total standard when playing with substances)
… and I honestly think it is not a problem exclusively to „pink“. When you research about what is contained in cocaine for instance and how it is at times replaced by chemically very similar synthetical substances, it is simply a gamble. And it makes sense for producers - why ship the genuine stuff over to Europe wirh all the risk involved along the production chain when you can produce something similar in a lab in Holland?
As regards Fentanyl, it is quite shocking how this impacts certain cities in the US: