drink prices 2017

How much is a water in Pacha?
Looked on ibiza spotlight club prices but no water price for Pacha, i take it Beer is €12? And €13 in amnesia?
How much is a water in Pacha?
Looked on ibiza spotlight club prices but no water price for Pacha, i take it Beer is €12? And €13 in amnesia?
9 dude for water
Beer is 13 Amnesia
11 in Pacha from front bar at entrance in outside area
Don't suppose anyone has been to as trinxa or jockey club recently and remember the price of beers and spirit mixer?
Not been for a long time but planning first day there when we arrive.
Aye, but Pacha have to charge those prices you see... It's because they have to make a years worth of money in only a little over 4 months... It's not like they have a worldwide, all year round merchandising operation and other clubs within the brand that are located all over the world to fall back on... :rolleyes:
Don't suppose anyone has been to as trinxa or jockey club recently and remember the price of beers and spirit mixer?
Not been for a long time but planning first day there when we arrive.

Jockey Club ... medium beer between €3-3.50 each ... don't know regarding spirits I'm afraid
Medium cana €3.50 I think at jockey club. Its pretty unrecognizable now ollie :eek: id go straight to sa trinxa if I were you..:)
Lol,:lol:.. beer 1.50, mojito €4-7,gins,vodkas+ mixers €4-6 every where in Portugal. A round for 7 people 5 alco + 2 waters less than the price of those red bulls...:cool:

It's great value innit?:)

Even inside the main venues it's not bad. €5 for a pint of beer...
We were there Wednesday just with the kids for few drinks at sunset. Really great place. Another place called kalu a short boat trip over to is really nice too..
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