drink prices 2016

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When I was at Space in July you had to choose what drink you wanted when you bought the tokens. So for instance 10 water tokens was €60 (which for Ibiza is almost reasonable) but you couldn't then use the tokens for anything else. There was a limited selection of options - I think you could go for beer, long drinks, vodka redbulls and a few others perhaps but each selection had its own price list. The best deal was always the 10 drink price of course and then I think you could buy 5 and maybe 3 as well but the smaller the number of tokens the less good the deal. You also couldn't swap a long drink token for a vodka redbull. I should have taken a picture but in the end me and mate decided to share the 10 water tokens and it worked out pretty well.
I wouldn't be too surprised if they start giving drinks away when the end of the night comes, what else are they going to do with it?

Pepe usually starts dishing them out from 9am onwards! Drink tokens that is.

Space might have a "sale or return" deal with their drink supplier for this night I reckon.

As a supplier you'd eat-up that opportunity.

Wouldn't be surprised to see a few more €s added to those usual prices. Though i hope not.
Im different GP , I cant be in a club or bar and not have a drink in my hand. I feel naked.

A drink an hour is my usual. If I've had a few vodka redbulls before going in and the music's good I'm usually perfectly happy with a bottle of water in a cargo pocket. Beer and mixer drinks don't really go well with dancefloors and it's a pain to have to nurse them or keep an eye on them in the little tables in Space when you just want to have a dance !
10 beers is 100 euros btw if you need a "thirst quencher"

I wouldn't be too surprised if they start giving drinks away when the end of the night comes, what else are they going to do with it?
We wish i think space are too tight for that..
Rosello has done it before at birthdays and closings , so I think at THE closing its a distinct possibility!
Im sure the prices will go up..its Ibiza after all..be more interested in how manys thefts occurred at closing.. up or down..
Space have no reason to put the prices up (remember when they put up the price of beer a few years ago and then dropped it again) and there will be free drinks going down. This time next week you can all tell me I was right along with your amazing tales from the closing :)
You mean to say Diver, you've actually chosen your marriage over the Space closing? Shame on you.
They were more than that even in Tox the year before - no idea how you managed that !
Martin solveig night. We got there quite early, they charged me 10 euros for bottles of estrella, though later on in the night they did go up to 12. I remember it because I remember tellin my Mrs that they only charged me 10 euros each for them.
I went with someone who had never been before just the other week and 2x vodka cokes and 2x san mig's @ cocoon = 60eur.........poor bugger nearly had a heart attack! I know we whinge on about drink prices but come on...they have always been ridiculous and it was/is never going to change
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