Dress code Ibiza ?


Hi to you all. This summer will be my first time to Ibiza. Me my wife and a few friends are coming over.

How do you buys and girls dress up on Ibiza ?

My question is should we buy something new and fancy ?

Thanks :D
Mankinis are normally my club attire


LOL !! Keep it up hope i see you around ,)
Take a couple of nice shirts for a meal out, but just go casual (t-shirts and shorts) for the rest of the time, it's not worth the hassle being too hot wearing jeans/trousers everywhere.
Have you been going to Ibiza for many years ?

Been the last 3 yrs, ( was worried about about how dressy it would be ,being a bit older) but couldn't believe how many women wore flats! My husband (dresses up) in shirt and nice shorts . Otherwise for him its t shirt and shorts.
Maybe in places like Lio and Heart ( haven't been myself) people are "dressed up"
Been the last 3 yrs, ( was worried about about how dressy it would be ,being a bit older) but couldn't believe how many women wore flats! My husband (dresses up) in shirt and nice shorts . Otherwise for him its t shirt and shorts.
Maybe in places like Lio and Heart ( haven't been myself) people are "dressed up"

Flats that sounds boring ,)

What is more sexy than a good looking woman in sexy high heels.
Thats one of the downsides being a woman :p except period and giving birth,,...
and being unable to read maps and/or navigate.

There are loads of girl clubbers in Ibiza wearing Claires. if you're into hard house then surely wearing heals is a no no?
Shorts and Tshirts is a must in clubs (Although if you go VIP you usually have to wear jeans). Too hot otherwise.