Do people here read books?

Whilst I appreciate the information, I'm merely too lazy :) .. No I will eventually, just I'm going to head off to bed soon to watch Tv ;)

Nah, was just interested to see if people still read. I don't and, I'm studying to become a published author (Go figure ey?) but, sitting down and reading is too tedius for me.

A movie makes noise and whilst if I read I can imagine the noises in my head, the lack of outside noise kills me, but, if I put music on, or read on a construction sight or something, my attention draws to those outside noises instead of the sounds and images that the book is putting across.

My attention span is horrible, but my creativity is high :) MY DVD COLLECTION IS ADMRIABLE ;)

Continue on guys, discuss, I think I'll just sit back and read for this one :)

Well basically, I've almost finished a course in comprehensive writing with the Australian Writing School. Its nothing major, no diplomas or anything, but basically when I finish I get a certificate that says I have the skills to be a published writer in things like screen and theatre, radio, but also things like magazines etc and if I wish I could also go on to write novels, children books and so forth.

What I've always lacked in artistic ability I've made up for in expression via literature.

What you see of me here is, well, miss leading as far as showcasing my writing goes because here I write as if I'm talking to people face to face, not as if I'm telling them a story. But I do have good stories. If not for the talent in how they are told, then for the concepts and ideas that glue them together.

Don't worry, you guys will never read my stuff :D I have to find time first

I don't judge what I see of you here, I can't belive someone who pretends to be an author (published or not) is proud to not read a book cos he can't bother. It's very clever for your publishing carrer
I don't want a publishing career. Just something in my spare time. But, I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not. I'm not looking to be the next best selling author or anything. If anything it might not be books that I write, as I said, it could be radio or theatre or tv/movies and maybe that would be a much better outlet for me to tell my stories.

I just wanted to know peoples reading interests because, well if anything of mine ever does become a published book, whilst I doubt it will be anyone here who ever reads it, it will be my peers. I'm trying to see if my peers still read.

I think too many do just so they can say that they read and appear more intelligent for it. .. And Olly... I thought you were my friend :cry: .. I still wuv u ;)
:lol: @ buckley......:lol:

im reading CHANEL: by edmonde charles-roux
just finished: WAITER RANT: by a. waiter
about to read: THE SHADOW OF THE WIND: by carlos ruiz zafon

i read about a book a week......
its sending me broke! :oops: but i love it.....
I don't want a publishing career. Just something in my spare time. But, I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not. I'm not looking to be the next best selling author or anything. If anything it might not be books that I write, as I said, it could be radio or theatre or tv/movies and maybe that would be a much better outlet for me to tell my stories.

I just wanted to know peoples reading interests because, well if anything of mine ever does become a published book, whilst I doubt it will be anyone here who ever reads it, it will be my peers. I'm trying to see if my peers still read.

I think too many do just so they can say that they read and appear more intelligent for it. .. And Olly... I thought you were my friend :cry: .. I still wuv u ;)


I was just going to put a few of my recent faves down (boss of bosses - Clare Longrigg springs to mind, about the life and capture of the head of the Sicilian Mafia).

And a stinker (how I caused the credit crunch being a particular stinker)

and you go all self obsessed again!

Sorry. Your dead deep and interesting. Like the Ocean.
about to read: THE SHADOW OF THE WIND: by carlos ruiz zafon


This book is AMAZING. Best book ever. I read loads of books and there's few that really grab me and are so powerful like this one. I thought about it for days afterwards. I love it!

I'm currently reading "The Ninth Life of Louis Drax" by Liz Jensen, which I curiously found whilst jogging along the Thames path one lunchtime. Book is in great condition so I kept it :lol:

So far so good. Story seems interesting and I'm about 2 chapters in :eek:
about to read: THE SHADOW OF THE WIND: by carlos ruiz zafon


This book is AMAZING. Best book ever. I read loads of books and there's few that really grab me and are so powerful like this one. I thought about it for days afterwards. I love it!

um.... i just got in2 bed & started reading & i realized IVE ALREADY READ IT!!!
i read it in ibiza last year..... & I LOVED IT TOO!!!!! :lol:
way way way too many big nights for me....:oops:
lucky i bought his other book too...

so am now reading: THE ANGEL'S GAME instead.....;)

doh! :lol:

I was just going to put a few of my recent faves down (boss of bosses - Clare Longrigg springs to mind, about the life and capture of the head of the Sicilian Mafia).

And a stinker (how I caused the credit crunch being a particular stinker)

and you go all self obsessed again!

Sorry. Your dead deep and interesting. Like the Ocean.

By all means put them down, this is what this is about. I want to see what people are into reading. I was merely telling someone WHY I was interested in what people are reading. Thats all man, there's nothing more to this than that, so, take it for what it is. A thread about books, thats all.

I'm not asking for research. I do that on my own. I was merely eager to see if this was an ocean worth casting my line into.

Like I said, just because I don't read, doesn't mean I couldn't write a great movie or something. There is alot more to writing than just books. This thread is specifically about BOOKS.
why do you care what people are reading if you dont even read dood??:rolleyes:
is it just to start a thread?? boredom??? win some mates??
Oh no its so you think I'm smart because oh I value your respect soooooooo much :rolleyes:

.. Did you not see where I said I was like, testing the waters before I go fishing? I wanted to see if people were more inclined to watch a Dvd than read a book. Thats all. Then to see what people are reading, maybe to read it myself, because I would like to start reading? Maybe out of market research? Maybe out of just curiosity? Thats all, seriously, don't read more into this than there is because it's allready heading down the toilet. Stay on topic and have a healthy discussion, not another "oh Adrian made a thread lets try and diss him in it" session. Do that privately if your so desperate to try and retard me.
Although this is a good thread nonetheless!

I've never actually read an Irvine Welsh book even though they have been on my radar for a long time! ON the 'to-buy' list!
Here are some of my all time favorites (not in any particular order). There are many more that I have on my FB page (if this list does not manage to put you folks to sleep yet).

The Men, The Mission and Me - Peter Blaber
Leadership & Training For The Fight- Paul Howe
My Years With a Dogman – Mike McConnery
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
The Prince – Machiavelli
Gates of Fire - Steven Pressfield
On Killing – Grossman
The Looming Tower – Lawrence Wright
Ghost Wars – Steve Coll
Clash of Civilizations – Samuel Huntington (This one was required reading for me at university)
The Craft of Intelligence – Allen Dulles
Imperial Hubris – Michael Scheuer
Diplomacy - Henry Kissinger
The Prize - Daniel Yergin (This one also was required reading for me at university)
Afghanistan: A Military History From Alexander The Great To The Fall Of The Taliban – Steve Tanner
Sleeping With The Devil (How Washington Sold Our Soul For Saudi Crude) - Robert Baer
The Soviet-Afghan War: How a Superpower Fought and Lost – Michael A. Gress and Lester Grau
The Bush War in Rhodesia: The Extraordinary Combat Memoir of a Rhodesian Reconnaissance Specialist – Dennis Croukamp
The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy - Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer
Good One Don. I like light hearted stuff also, "Letters From A Nut" is a great example but I have always had a very deep passion for History and Politics (from a Foreign Policy perspective).

Some of the books like the one from Blaber, Howe and McConnery are ones that have more to do with life in general rather than the immediate topic.