Do people here read books?

What's girlie non-fiction reads? :eek:

Absolutly fan of Irvin Welsh here, reading at the moment Glue.
Book for my hols in Berlin: The good boy by Nick Hornby :D

I love how Irvin Welsh can make you feel sympathy for the worst people.

I like Nick Hornby too, High Fidelity is my favourite. Unfortunately I see a lot of myself in there.
What's girlie non-fiction reads? :eek:

Absolutly fan of Irvin Welsh here, reading at the moment Glue.
Book for my hols in Berlin: The good boy by Nick Hornby :D

I got bought a set of Irvine Welsh books as I loved Trainspotting after going to see it.

I can honestly say I havent finished a single one of his books as I cant understand what the hell he is saying.... :oops::oops::oops:

Same with Iain Banks - persevered through the Wasp Factory as I was mesmerised by the story - but couldnt finish Crow Road either...

however, I must be getting better with the Scottish written word as I finished Quite Ugly One Morning by Christopher Brookmeyer and I loved it!! :lol::lol:
I got bought a set of Irvine Welsh books as I loved Trainspotting after going to see it.

I can honestly say I havent finished a single one of his books as I cant understand what the hell he is saying.... :oops::oops::oops:

Im the same, it takes me a day of reading to understand it all then it just clicks in my head and it all makes sense.
I love how Irvin Welsh can make you feel sympathy for the worst people.

I like Nick Hornby too, High Fidelity is my favourite. Unfortunately I see a lot of myself in there.

I can't have enough of Irvin Welsh, he is so trashy, sooo hooligan and so wrong, I love it.

High Fidelity is one of my fav books ever, so thirtysomthings :lol:
The only thing about HF is that it should come with a CD with all the musics, don't you think so?
I love how Irvin Welsh can make you feel sympathy for the worst people.

I like Nick Hornby too, High Fidelity is my favourite. Unfortunately I see a lot of myself in there.

2 good points there

I know someone in real life who is EXACTLY like sick boy - the same cynicism and opportunism, but strangely likeable despite everything

the scenes in the record shop in high fidelity are brilliantly described. Painfully, accurately funny. The film version should really have been set in berwick street
I can't have enough of Irvin Welsh, he is so trashy, sooo hooligan and so wrong, I love it.

High Fidelity is one of my fav books ever, so thirtysomthings :lol:
The only thing about HF is that it should come with a CD with all the musics, don't you think so?

I've seen him do live book readings before. EXTREMELY funny

am hoping porno will be made into a film but I think some of the original actors are reluctant to get involved again.
I can't have enough of Irvin Welsh, he is so trashy, sooo hooligan and so wrong, I love it.

High Fidelity is one of my fav books ever, so thirtysomthings :lol:
The only thing about HF is that it should come with a CD with all the musics, don't you think so?

I can see your point but me being a music geek i knew a lot of the stuff and anything I didnt I googled anyway ;)
NakedAge - do a seach for 'Spotlight Book Club' and you'll see what's been popular amonst posters here over the last few years
2 good points there

I know someone in real life who is EXACTLY like sick boy - the same cynicism and opportunism, but strangely likeable despite everything

the scenes in the record shop in high fidelity are brilliantly described. Painfully, accurately funny. The film version should really have been set in berwick street

The record shop scenes are spot on. It almost scared me how much i was like the protagonist.
I like all the girlie reads, Sophie Kinsella types etc etc, also love autobiographies.

The ones that have gripped me recently though are the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, oh my god, we are all addicted at work, its turned into a book club passing them round!!

Do not be put off by the film, the books are intense! And completely unputdownable!!!! :lol:
NakedAge - do a seach for 'Spotlight Book Club' and you'll see what's been popular amonst posters here over the last few years

Whilst I appreciate the information, I'm merely too lazy :) .. No I will eventually, just I'm going to head off to bed soon to watch Tv ;)

Nah, was just interested to see if people still read. I don't and, I'm studying to become a published author (Go figure ey?) but, sitting down and reading is too tedius for me.

A movie makes noise and whilst if I read I can imagine the noises in my head, the lack of outside noise kills me, but, if I put music on, or read on a construction sight or something, my attention draws to those outside noises instead of the sounds and images that the book is putting across.

My attention span is horrible, but my creativity is high :) MY DVD COLLECTION IS ADMRIABLE ;)

Continue on guys, discuss, I think I'll just sit back and read for this one :)
Nah, was just interested to see if people still read. I don't and, I'm studying to become a published author (Go figure ey?) but, sitting down and reading is too tedius for me.

What does it mean to study to become a published author?
and still, how someone who wants to become a published author gets bored of reading? :confused: :rolleyes:
Not that Bizarre, i read all sorts of stuff. I read really quickly so i just pick up whats about.

All great books there Rob.

I actually preferred My Friend Leonard to Million little Pieces tho.

Thank you I forgot I wanted to read My Friend Leonard.

I am reading Atlas Shrugged, half way through only another 500 pages to go and I am still not sure whether I like it or not :lol:
What does it mean to study to become a published author?
and still, how someone who wants to become a published author gets bored of reading? :confused: :rolleyes:

Well basically, I've almost finished a course in comprehensive writing with the Australian Writing School. Its nothing major, no diplomas or anything, but basically when I finish I get a certificate that says I have the skills to be a published writer in things like screen and theatre, radio, but also things like magazines etc and if I wish I could also go on to write novels, children books and so forth.

What I've always lacked in artistic ability I've made up for in expression via literature.

What you see of me here is, well, miss leading as far as showcasing my writing goes because here I write as if I'm talking to people face to face, not as if I'm telling them a story. But I do have good stories. If not for the talent in how they are told, then for the concepts and ideas that glue them together.

Don't worry, you guys will never read my stuff :D I have to find time first