Crazy news stories



I really don't understand why everyone is freaking out so much.
I like horse meat (a result of 5 years living in Kazakhstan).
I've got 2 kilos of kazy in my freezer. Had a friend especially bring it up for me from Almaty!
But I guess it's a truth-in-advertising issue if they claim it's beef.

Because the fact of the matter is a lot of people are idiots. That, plus the British public will jump at the chance to moan about anything! Especially if they can blame Europe.

I see the politicians have jumped on it as well now. Probably in an attempt to bury some much more important new government policy which will cripple single-parent families or something similar. Perhaps it will be a hike in fuel tax?

Seriously though, I'm beyond bored with the whole saga. It's probably been going on for decades - no one has died, everybody liked what they were eating - no problem.

I'm staggered to believe that anybody who actually buys Findus products could be outraged at their contents (!)

The whole thing is just ridiculous - it's a bit like taking your clamped-out Skoda for it's MOT and then becoming infuriated when the garage tells you it's got a Mercedes engine inside.
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I really don't understand why everyone is freaking out so much.
I like horse meat (a result of 5 years living in Kazakhstan).
I've got 2 kilos of kazy in my freezer. Had a friend especially bring it up for me from Almaty!
But I guess it's a truth-in-advertising issue if they claim it's beef.

I think the label should be correct. If you are a vegetarian, have allergies, or religious reasons to avoid some meats. The label content should be correct.