Crazy news stories

A man from Northern Ireland has been jailed after an experiment in which he attempted to turn his own faeces into gold went wrong and started a fire in a block of flats.

Paul Moran will now serve three months in jail and a further 12 months on license after the failed experiment caused a fire at his Housing Executive home in Derrin Park, Enniskillen.
Moran admitted arson and endangering the lives of others in the fire, which reportedly caused over £3,000 worth of damage.
It is thought that as part of the bizarre experiment Moran left his faeces, along with other waste products such as fertiliser, on a heater.
In his ruling Judge McFarland told Moran: “Rather bizarrely you were attempting to make gold from human faeces and waste products.
“It was an interesting experiment to fulfil the alchemist's dream, but wasn't going to succeed.”
Moran's barrister mentioned that his client was a man of ‘considerable intellectual ability' but that he had problems battling drug abuse.
I thought this one was funny - as reported by Ransom Note ... whatever will he do with himself if he doesn't get booked ?

Who cares about the state of the euro when I've just had two of the best emails ever... World's Biggest PA... The Hoff! Last minute availability November 4th, 5th and 7th Also available for New Years Eve! ...
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Get ready to end the thread right here.....

Jasha Lottin, Portland Nudist, Broke No Laws by Killing, Gutting Horse, then Posing Naked Inside Carcass

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Some people are just plain weird.

On a side Jam, A Sheikh from Dubai has just landed here for the inauguration of the yacht race, interstingly theres more security than when Prince Philip was here 3 weeks ago. Sheikh Mohammed possibly ?
Get ready to end the thread right here.....

Jasha Lottin, Portland Nudist, Broke No Laws by Killing, Gutting Horse, then Posing Naked Inside Carcass

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She's off her head if she thinks that's acceptable spontaneous behaviour. Needs referring for psychiatric evaluation imo. Surprised she didn't dine in there too ... with fava beans and a nice chianti :rolleyes:
Be careful which airline you fly. This is an utter shame. I would have said fcuk off

Yeah it's a total disgrace. Been all over the news here last couple of days :!:

Shocking it can happen at all. But it was a charter thing aimed at a Birmingham community to give faster/cheaper direct links home.. seeing as someone already has your money in those circumstances your choice I guess is to pay up or try to find a commercial flight and pay for that instead. Whichever way, you pay !! Heaven knows what line a travel insurance company might take on the whole thing !

Safer to fly scheduled and buy Scheduled Airline Failure Insurance as part of your travel policy.