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Headphones can get you high...

UAE teens are getting high on music that gives them the same buzz as marijuana, a top policeman has warned.

Colonel Dr Sarhan Almeheini, an addiction expert, said the “digital drug” music is already widespread in the UAE.
Speaking at the ‘Family Role In Modern Society' conference in Abu Dhabi, he said it was too late to ban the download websites as UAE teens are using proxy servers to get past censors and files were already being shared around the UAE.
“The young people use headphones and they listen to two different beats at the same time, it is coming from the US,” Almeheini told 7DAYS.
The doses work by using “binaural beats” that play slightly different tones in each ear, causing a feeling of deep relaxation and euphoria among listeners.
Some “digital drug” makers claim they can recreate the high from marijuana or ecstasy. The aural drug, dubbed an I-dozer by the companies that make it, is based on
the discovery in 1839 that binaural beats can give the listener a high.
However, Emirati teens from Abu Dhabi's Institute of Applied Technology High School, who attended the conference, said they were unaware of digital drugs.
Mohammed Al Komali, 15, said: “I've never heard of it, I don't know anything about it,” he said.

7DAYS tried several tracks online after Col Almeheini's speech but got little effect from the “drugs”, finding the tunes were slightly trippy dance music and some hippy-sounding pan pipe music set to a dance beat.

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