☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Just checked my Ryanair booking for September - thinking of the distancing aspect; it's seat 1A right at the front next to the door, so that's OK, I can just pop outside if it feels a bit stuffy.


Where is the social distancing by these reporters? Walking hypocrites the lot of them
He was stupid to give these people what they've been begging for since the EU referendum. He has been a marked man for a long time, why take that risk? He should have know this would would happen if he was caught....only got himself to blame
I am not defending him, what I am saying is they can hardly get on there highhorse about the whole thing when they are not doing social distancing themselves.

They should take a look whats happening in Barrow and report real news for once. Or report about the illegals crossing the channel on boats

MSM at its finest ducking out of that
Yeah, they're the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th... biggest hypocrits in the image. And yet still not the biggest hypocrit by a country mile (or 260)

This isn't a case of chicken and egg. It's just what happens when the architect of STAY HOME>PROTECT THE NHS>SAVE LIVES breaks his own protocol.

Whether it's reporters or the public, the message has been sent: ignore the instruction we've previously rammed down your throats
Yeah, they're the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th... biggest hypocrits in the image. And yet still not the biggest hypocrit by a country mile (or 260)

This isn't a case of chicken and egg. It's just what happens when the architect of STAY HOME>PROTECT THE NHS>SAVE LIVES breaks his own protocol.

Whether it's reporters or the public, the message has been sent: ignore the instruction we've previously rammed down your throats
I bet he isn't the first one to break rules though. (Labour MPs?) Just been over the park, family and friends meeting up like nothings happened, folk have lost interest in it all.

The whole thing is tiresome. Atleast the Germans are getting on with life compared to ours, roll on August when i'm there.
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Yeah, they're the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th... biggest hypocrits in the image. And yet still not the biggest hypocrit by a country mile (or 260)

This isn't a case of chicken and egg. It's just what happens when the architect of STAY HOME>PROTECT THE NHS>SAVE LIVES breaks his own protocol.

Whether it's reporters or the public, the message has been sent: ignore the instruction we've previously rammed down your throats
I do agree with you, he is a hypocrite and has f*cked up badly, but the media response has been so over the top it's untrue. The questions after Boris's daily update on Sunday from the press just went on and on and on. I'm sure even the biggest Boris-haters out there were rolling their eyes or turning the channel, I certainly did. After Cummings had already fielded the same questions from most of them a couple of hours earlier. Getting boring...
I havent watched those press questions in weeks through monotony. They're not informative, but there is methology behind them. Repeatedly asking similar questions and waiting until the person answering contradicts themselves is a good tactic to wheedling out the truth, though it's painstaking and isn't guaranteed to get results

It's the idea that we should all be watching this method that seems a bit pointless
CDC also now reporting 40% of transmission is before symptoms.

Also current estimates put death at 0.4% which is twice as much as seasonal flu. Also don't forget to factor in the significantly larger number of people who will/have get it compared to seasonal flu, which we have vaccine/immunity for.
In Switzerland events with a max of 300 people are allowed again.
Government is looking into events with a max of 1000 people from the 24th of June.

In the Netherlands sauna's, gyms and casino's are being reopened on the 1st of July where the planning was the 1st of September earlier.
I'm in California and it honestly is confusing me that we're re-opening one thing but not the other, and everything seems too soon. There was an article in yesterday's or today's newspaper about barbershops and salons beginning to re-open. It feels like a mistake.

I also got an email that the record store has re-opened. I usually rifle through the bargain bin that they have there where everything is $1, $2, or $3. I definitely don't want to do that right now. I think it spreads germs and I'm not down. I did call them. I asked if there were any prolific releases in the dance genre. The guy wasn't an expert on it, and said he didn't think so. I know Moby just released something, but I already have the mp3. He did say that they have every new release that came out during lockdown to their credit. I explained that I'd be more likely to use curbside pickup than to come in. Until there's a vaccine... :rolleyes:
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