☣ Coronavirus ☣

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I actually just had the chance to watch some of that Cummings interview from yesterday.

What a stuttering c unt.

I was half hoping Paul Gascoigne would turn up with a fishing rod, roast chicken and a bag of tinnies to offer support.

What a shit show.
You think that's bad, watch as even Michael Gove realises the whopper he's about to tell isn't remotely believable! ?

EDITED to add the missing link ?‍♂️
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You think that's bad, watch as even Michael Gove realises the whopper he's about to tell isn't remotely believable! ?

I try not to listen to any of them ?

I have a deep resentment for politicians, that reaches back long before Coronavirus visited our shores.

There was a popular saying amongst my peer group during the Iraq/Afghan era:

‘Politicians lie, while good men die’

As true today as it’s ever been, sadly.
Thing is about Cummings, he's been a berk. We've ALL been berks, and if there were fines for berkery we'd all be skint. But to get out of being a berk you 'fess up. Right away.
"Sorry guv, blew it, yeah I know, here's twenty grand for the hospital that treated my kid, really sorry, I know it's upsetting, I've been a pillock".
Job done, move on.~Oh, no, the arrogant sod has to go ad dig a hole that's now reached France.
meanwhile, Spain's opening up, we can shortly go there but we can't return unless we want 2 week's quarantine. THAT should be the focus of our attention, getting these air corridors, not about some plank with a spade.
Thing is about Cummings, he's been a berk. We've ALL been berks, and if there were fines for berkery we'd all be skint. But to get out of being a berk you 'fess up. Right away.
"Sorry guv, blew it, yeah I know, here's twenty grand for the hospital that treated my kid, really sorry, I know it's upsetting, I've been a pillock".
Job done, move on.~Oh, no, the arrogant sod has to go ad dig a hole that's now reached France.
meanwhile, Spain's opening up, we can shortly go there but we can't return unless we want 2 week's quarantine. THAT should be the focus of our attention, getting these air corridors, not about some plank with a spade.
I think that misses the point a bit, this isn't a silly mistake, a momentary lapse or being a bit of a berk. The fact is, Cummings, Johnson and Co. have got where they are today by routinely lying and treating everyone else with absolute disdain, they literally think they know better and deserve to be above the law. Up until know, Joe Public didn't take much notice because what they lied about either wasn't relevant, suited their agenda (e.g. Brexit) or didn't affect their lives materially. The difference now, is that millions of people suffered real hardship by adhering to the rules while this bunch thought they were above them. Further more, they have invented a pack of lies to cover up the rule breaking, taking people for absolute mugs. They have lost all credibility and been exposed for the liars, cheats and charlatans that they are, right at the time when maximum trust in politicians is required. Their arrogance has already cost thousands lives, we are at or close to the top of the charts by any measure of Covid deaths, and this episode will erode further the public belief in the lock-down and may well cost more lives.
I think that misses the point a bit, this isn't a silly mistake, a momentary lapse or being a bit of a berk. The fact is, Cummings, Johnson and Co. have got where they are today by routinely lying and treating everyone else with absolute disdain, they literally think they know better and deserve to be above the law. Up until know, Joe Public didn't take much notice because what they lied about either wasn't relevant, suited their agenda (e.g. Brexit) or didn't affect their lives materially. The difference now, is that millions of people suffered real hardship by adhering to the rules while this bunch thought they were above them. Further more, they have invented a pack of lies to cover up the rule breaking, taking people for absolute mugs. They have lost all credibility and been exposed for the liars, cheats and charlatans that they are, right at the time when maximum trust in politicians is required. Their arrogance has already cost thousands lives, we are at or close to the top of the charts by any measure of Covid deaths, and this episode will erode further the public belief in the lock-down and may well cost more lives.
All that's true, but I was trying to be nice to someone (that I've never met, obvs) I hate with a passion. I do try to give people a chance if I can, in case I've got it all wrong.

Never again. Promise.
and this episode will erode further the public belief in the lock-down and may well cost more lives.

It will cost lives because people will use it as an excuse for their own rule breaking. Just because he's a twat, doesn't mean we all have to be too. In general the public know the reasons for the rules and the majority are following them.

You either want to help this thing disappear or you want to ignore the guidelines and hope everyone else makes it disappear. Cummings being a utter dick has just given the people who don't want help an excuse.
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I was staying at Lago Playa on Formentera, but just got an e-mail that they have transferred me to their sister hotel Roca Bella nearer Es Pujols. They offered me a full refund, but I'm happy with the move and it's arguably a better hotel anyway and don't have to pay more.

It's in late September so from being 50% sure to make the trip, I've now bumped the odds to 80%. Think the only obstacle now is getting the2-wks quarantine on return lifted.
Dutch newspapers are saying Germany will stop enforcing social distancing from the 29th of June.
Now I'm not sure if that's correct, but I think it's good if governments stop saying that social distancing 'is the new normal'. Cause it's not.
It's a temporary abnormal and being close to other people and touching them has always been very normal and in fact crucial for human beings.
So I'd be happy if there are countries where social distancing is no longer obliged but still counts as an advise.
That way people can decide theirselves again if they want to keep distance or not.
I was staying at Lago Playa on Formentera, but just got an e-mail that they have transferred me to their sister hotel Roca Bella nearer Es Pujols. They offered me a full refund, but I'm happy with the move and it's arguably a better hotel anyway and don't have to pay more.

It's in late September so from being 50% sure to make the trip, I've now bumped the odds to 80%. Think the only obstacle now is getting the2-wks quarantine on return lifted.
If you leave now you might get there walking ?
If you leave now you might get there walking ?
You're not far wrong! Think walking's out, but I can extend at either side to get there by train or separate flights or a mixture. I'll find my way there, I'll get Cummings to drive me at a push, he's used to long trips.
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