☣ Coronavirus ☣

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I'm in California and it honestly is confusing me that we're re-opening one thing but not the other, and everything seems too soon. There was an article in yesterday's or today's newspaper about barbershops and salons beginning to re-open. It feels like a mistake.

In Missouri, a hairdresser worked while symptomatic FOR 8 F&$KING DAYS and exposed 80 clients to the virus. They also infected a second stylist who worked with the virus for 5 days, exposing 140 clients in total between themselves. No re-opening plan can be successful if people can't be bothered to make responsible decisions.

I feel like I am in a real life prisoner's dilemma. I lost my wedding and honeymoon to this pandemic and seeing people packing beaches and behaving irresponsibly just makes me bitter. I cannot even imagine how isolating it feels to have suffered the ultimate loss of a loved one and see others acting like they live in a different reality.

I've had to try and just avoid the news to maintain my empathy and sanity.
I do agree with you, he is a hypocrite and has f*cked up badly, but the media response has been so over the top it's untrue. The questions after Boris's daily update on Sunday from the press just went on and on and on. I'm sure even the biggest Boris-haters out there were rolling their eyes or turning the channel, I certainly did. After Cummings had already fielded the same questions from most of them a couple of hours earlier. Getting boring...
Yeh next week everyone will have forgotten about this and be banging in about something else
In Switzerland events with a max of 300 people are allowed again.
Government is looking into events with a max of 1000 people from the 24th of June.

In the Netherlands sauna's, gyms and casino's are being reopened on the 1st of July where the planning was the 1st of September earlier.
Don't that WI go down well, let's see how they get on
I'm in California and it honestly is confusing me that we're re-opening one thing but not the other, and everything seems too soon. There was an article in yesterday's or today's newspaper about barbershops and salons beginning to re-open. It feels like a mistake.

I also got an email that the record store has re-opened. I usually rifle through the bargain bin that they have there where everything is $1, $2, or $3. I definitely don't want to do that right now. I think it spreads germs and I'm not down. I did call them. I asked if there were any prolific releases in the dance genre. The guy wasn't an expert on it, and said he didn't think so. I know Moby just released something, but I already have the mp3. He did say that they have every new release that came out during lockdown to their credit. I explained that I'd be more likely to use curbside pickup than to come in. Until there's a vaccine... :rolleyes:
Yeh I may be OK I have the virus hopefully but still scared of getting it and still scared to go out as normal and care free as I did
Another bank holiday here this weekend.. weather 23°- 27,° next few days. Be testing time for folks trying to get to the beach. Usually it's a big weekend for Pikies. Saw a few Jasmine's and Rihannas InTesco
Earlier. No idea where they are staying and caravan Parks and still closed
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Another bank holiday here this weekend.. weather 23°- 27,° next few days. Be testing time for folks trying to get to the beach.

Couldn't even get down the lanes round the corner from home on Monday as they lead to beaches - backed up the car and took the dog for a walk near a quiet local farm. It was busier than August and I wouldn't go near the beach on a Bank Holiday at the best of times. Thankfully they all f***ed off yesterday and I went out on the SUP - basically had beaches to myself again. :cool: Almost pining for the lockdown back already !!!
I'm in California and it honestly is confusing me that we're re-opening one thing but not the other, and everything seems too soon. There was an article in yesterday's or today's newspaper about barbershops and salons beginning to re-open. It feels like a mistake.

I also got an email that the record store has re-opened. I usually rifle through the bargain bin that they have there where everything is $1, $2, or $3. I definitely don't want to do that right now. I think it spreads germs and I'm not down. I did call them. I asked if there were any prolific releases in the dance genre. The guy wasn't an expert on it, and said he didn't think so. I know Moby just released something, but I already have the mp3. He did say that they have every new release that came out during lockdown to their credit. I explained that I'd be more likely to use curbside pickup than to come in. Until there's a vaccine... :rolleyes:

I don’t see anything wrong with barbershops opening. Everyone waits in their car, everyone wears a face mask, everything is cleaned between customers. Seems pretty harmless.
I don’t see anything wrong with barbershops opening. Everyone waits in their car, everyone wears a face mask, everything is cleaned between customers. Seems pretty harmless.

I don't know if I agree. It doesn't seem harmless to me. I think people will get sick more this way than if we took a different route.

& the beach thing... I don't know if you've read about it, but I feel like this all started when people through a full-on tantrum over beach closures.
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Was watching something contact tracing in South Korea. The guy who infected 40 people after going to a few clubs, in the end they traced over 80k people.?

They still are getting new pockets of infections which they can trace back to the clubs.

Makes you think, especially as you could be symptom free, in how many people you could affect way, way outside your sphere of normal contacts.

By all accounts if you do get symptoms it's not over in a week thing, which I feel some people are forgetting, or just don't care about. (Friend still unable to walk far due to been weak, several weeks after getting over it)

On a positive note, they are trialling a quicker 'do you have it now' test that takes around 20 minutes. If proves reliable and scalable it might open up things like mass gatherings. (Although getting wasted people to sit and wait for 20+ mins before entering a club might be a challenge!?)

Edit: that faster test.
loop-mediated isothermal amplification:

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On the radio this morning a scientist - one of those dealing with virus's - said it's almost impossible to catch the virus outdoors, and with it being summer it makes sense to move as many indoor activities outdoors as possible.
That's why we don't have a flu spike in summer, loads of stuff goes on outdoors. So if he's right, all the stuff about BBQ's, packed beaches etc is irrelevant. But if we went down that line and his synopsis turned out to be false we'd be in bother; but if outside and we can keep 1m apart that should be enough?
On the radio this morning a scientist - one of those dealing with virus's - said it's almost impossible to catch the virus outdoors, and with it being summer it makes sense to move as many indoor activities outdoors as possible.
That's why we don't have a flu spike in summer, loads of stuff goes on outdoors. So if he's right, all the stuff about BBQ's, packed beaches etc is irrelevant. But if we went down that line and his synopsis turned out to be false we'd be in bother; but if outside and we can keep 1m apart that should be enough?

Experts in the Netherlands claiming the same. They're saying the social distancing 1-2m is useless outside because the virus hardly spreads outdoors.

And for indoors...if there's no good ventilation in place 1-2m is by far not enough.

So the whole social distancing is being questioned right now. And indoor venues should implement proper ventilation asap. And I guess age restrictions for indoors to protect the vulnerable (65+) will finally become a serious thing now.
On the radio this morning a scientist - one of those dealing with virus's - said it's almost impossible to catch the virus outdoors, and with it being summer it makes sense to move as many indoor activities outdoors as possible.
That's why we don't have a flu spike in summer, loads of stuff goes on outdoors. So if he's right, all the stuff about BBQ's, packed beaches etc is irrelevant. But if we went down that line and his synopsis turned out to be false we'd be in bother; but if outside and we can keep 1m apart that should be enough?

I would think it harder to catch outdoors but not impossible. I've read people saying they were at a BBQ and talking to someone who was coughing and they ended up with it. Also remember a lot of people think it can be picked up from surfaces - glasses being passed, door handles, etc.
If you are outdoors but close to someone and talking for a min or two you have a higher chance of catching it than a few metres appart with someone coughing. (Assuming they are infected) can't find the research off hand at min. Also indoors is way worse if air conditioning on. Whole point is to spread the air about.

Looks like USA is going backwards with new case ?


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