☣ Coronavirus ☣

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People with coronavirus ventilated in ICU one month ago 91. Today 516. Going to be a long, long winter

Seems that the ICU Numbers follow the
infections. That mean for example , that we will have the Same in Germany. We have rising infections and not so big ICU cases. This will Change. Really : A Long hard winter
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@ American forum members, do you think the election will make any difference to flights from Europe? My gf badly misses her folks in LA and wanted to get there for xmas but direct flights are obv a no-no. We did even look into quarantining in Vancouver first as a loophole back door route before getting a different flight down but I think that's out too. I don't think that would have worked either. A shitshow. I know others who are struggling too.

The election over here will only really matter if there is a change. The current administration is beyond incompetent so don't get your hopes up about anything until the cases over here stabilize. There's talk of an airbridge between London and NYC, but again this would require work to be put in on both sides, and I don't see this admin. getting anything done.

The only way you'll see transatlantic tourism is when we get reciprocal entry to the EU/UK established. Definitely won't happen until Feb/Mar of next year at the earliest assuming cases are brought under control or pre-flight testing protocols are established (again, would require effort by us, and we suck right now).
That mean for example , that we will have the Same in Germany. We have rising infections and not so big ICU cases.
There are currently 323 Covid patients on ventilator in Germany (602 ICU patients in total). So it's not that different from other countries, because our overall infection numbers are lower too. Luckily, we have about 7,000 free ventilators in the country, if I understand the numbers correctly.
There are currently 323 Covid patients on ventilator in Germany (602 ICU patients in total). So it's not that different from other countries, because our overall infection numbers are lower too. Luckily, we have about 7,000 free ventilators in the country, if I understand the numbers correctly.

Yeah , but with rising cases there will be less
And them you have to See local Problems : The Cologne area has a problem sometimes
without Covid
People with coronavirus ventilated in ICU one month ago 91. Today 516. Going to be a long, long winter

I just looked to confirm the figure 516 and right enough if you go here https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/healthcare right enough you will see

Patients on ventilation : 516

but if you drill into the link you will see it says

"England figures are the numbers of COVID-19 patients in beds which are capable of delivering mechanical ventilation and includes Nightingale hospitals. Data are reported daily by trusts to NHS England and NHS Improvement. "

All you can determine from this is there are 516 patients that have tested positive for COVID are in a bed that is capable of mechanical ventilation.

I don't know if its set out like this to deliberately mislead but that's what happens as the statement "516 people being ventilated" gets repeated when its not factual.
I just looked to confirm the figure 516 and right enough if you go here https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/healthcare right enough you will see

Patients on ventilation : 516

but if you drill into the link you will see it says

"England figures are the numbers of COVID-19 patients in beds which are capable of delivering mechanical ventilation and includes Nightingale hospitals. Data are reported daily by trusts to NHS England and NHS Improvement. "

All you can determine from this is there are 516 patients that have tested positive for COVID are in a bed that is capable of mechanical ventilation.

I don't know if its set out like this to deliberately mislead but that's what happens as the statement "516 people being ventilated" gets repeated when its not factual.
See I read that as definition of what a ventilated bed is. And those 516 are in ITU/ICU beds cause they need critical care / breathing assistance etc. Not like the ~4k covid patients in "normal" beds. Can't see them been put into ITU unless really needed. Maybe an NHS worker could clear it up. ?‍♂️

It's not looking good either way you slice it. Plus the baked in increases for next week or two regardless of lockdown measures.?
I just looked to confirm the figure 516 and right enough if you go here https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/healthcare right enough you will see

Patients on ventilation : 516

but if you drill into the link you will see it says

"England figures are the numbers of COVID-19 patients in beds which are capable of delivering mechanical ventilation and includes Nightingale hospitals. Data are reported daily by trusts to NHS England and NHS Improvement. "

All you can determine from this is there are 516 patients that have tested positive for COVID are in a bed that is capable of mechanical ventilation.

I don't know if its set out like this to deliberately mislead but that's what happens as the statement "516 people being ventilated" gets repeated when its not factual.
I think the direction of travel is what matters and it's starting to look pretty clear sadly.

Ventilated or not in an ICU bed you are seriously unwell.

Updated: was curious. My friend on ICU said that pretty much everyone there because of covid will have mechanical ventilation but not all intubated. Those who have been ventilated will have a monitoring period before step down.
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What's mask adherence like in Ireland? I didn't read the whole article, but are bars/restaurants part of the spread? I only ask because of the pic the other night where it was rammed.
Bars closed last week, that picture was the night they had to close.. but you can serve 15 pp Max if you have an outside area.. outside October in Ireland is cold and all bars usually light the fire in October and everyone is inside... But this today is big jump. Northern Ireland are having a really hard time so all the bordering countys in the republic have similar high cases.. so it looks like the whole country will go into Lock down again.. good news where we live has the lowest cases in Ireland again for like months now...and I don't see to many wearing masks down here..
on this

would be nice to hear from more people taking flights this summer. what was everyone's experience?
My flight to Ibiza in august had around 15 people on it, barely anyone had masks on either. I’m currently in Murcia, the flight was packed, barely any free spaces and I’d say almost everyone wore their masks from start to finish ( apart from eating and drinking) no social distances at all on the plane. Very hot here also LOVING IT
@ American forum members, do you think the election will make any difference to flights from Europe? My gf badly misses her folks in LA and wanted to get there for xmas but direct flights are obv a no-no. We did even look into quarantining in Vancouver first as a loophole back door route before getting a different flight down but I think that's out too. I don't think that would have worked either. A shitshow. I know others who are struggling too.

It seems very unlikely the election would have any impact on being able to travel by Christmas. This week it has been reported that the Trump administration is embracing the 'herd immunity' model. If he wins, he will continue to completely mishandle the situation until a vaccine arrives. If Biden wins, the inauguration is late January and any policies he implements would not really be effective until February.
Can't get onboard with some of these snarky comments towards Ministry of Sound for their grant. They're probably one of the biggest nightclubs in terms of employees and whilst maybe not 'cool' - they are a well run business and if you were going to give a significant amount of money to Ministry of Sound or some small independent I know who I would bet on still being around in 12 months time. But also great to see places like Corsica & Soup Kitchen get grants though. Right thing to do is a mix of all types and sizes.

Also how come WHP gets a grant? They don't own / run any venues, they are a promotions company.
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