Correct.This is the problem with the Lockdown strategy.
The Netherlands have chosen the Herd Immunity strategy. The goal is to get 60% of the population infected while protecting the risk groups.
No total Lockdown...people are allowed to be on the streets and perhaps visit friends.
However, bars, clubs, restaurants, schools are all closed. Events have been cancelled. So while I can go out for a walk in the park, I cannot grab lunch anywhere or get a cup of coffee. I can however, invite some people over...although it has been advised not to gather in large groups (like over 10 people). Really weird situation but im really happy that it is no total lockdown (yet).
And I think it's the best solution too. Im afraid the lockdown countries will get mass reinfections and will choose the Herd Immunity strategy after all too.
Netherlands, UK, Australia following the most sensible policy.