Johnny Vodka
Well-Known Member
Still need to quarantine if arriving in Scotland from Spain, though plenty of other countries on the okay list from Friday.
There's a bit of confusion about this, but what's popping up on phones are the changes made to Android and iOS by Google and Apple that enable the apps to work, the apps themselves are not being pushed.Then she said it's poping up on people's phone without them downloading it.... Is that possible?
Masks mandatory in Scottish shops from Friday. Thankfully, not outside!
Well it seems quite a few scientists now think even small droplets can be a source of transmission in enclosed spaces. Ones you emit from just talking or breathing (sub 5 microns), which hang about in the air for several hours ?Started today in some parts of Switzerland. Mainly big stores.
Yes scientists have confirmed it is airborneWell it seems quite a few scientists now think even small droplets can be a source of transmission in enclosed spaces. Ones you emit from just talking or breathing (sub 5 microns), which hang about in the air for several hours ?
?.. it's been crazy to hear people talking about the company that no one knew was here for few years.. lol..... and most people living here pass everyday lolThere's a bit of confusion about this, but what's popping up on phones are the changes made to Android and iOS by Google and Apple that enable the apps to work, the apps themselves are not being pushed.
Yeah, they've know it was airborne since the start, but this means just been around people breathing normally in an enclosed space is higher risk than previously thought. (They need to do more research to know for sure)Yes scientists have confirmed it is airborne
When are we going to get out of this shit hole?
Was reading this yesterday, that together with all of Catalonia being required to also wear masks doesnt look good and is making me put off any future bookings.![]()
El Govern obligará a utilizar siempre la mascarilla en Baleares
Tras los últimos rebrotes y las fiestas ilegales, el Ejecutivo balear toma esta medida por 'precaución' y 'seguridad'
Yeah I'm pretty much done giving my opinion on what governments are doing in their fear of new waves. But most of them have totally lost control over the impact of their ridiculous measures compared to the risk the virus poses on non-vulnerable people.Blaming it on illegal parties. With the clubs shut there's a definite scramble to find other ways of raising revenues from fines over what's left of the Season !
El Govern limitará las reuniones de personas a 70 en espacios abiertos y 30 en cerrados -
EFE / El Govern balear limitará las reuniones a 70 personas en espacios abiertos y 30 personas en cerrados, según ha avanzado la consellera de Salud, Patricia Gómez, que ha indicado que incumplir la obligatoriedad de llevar mascarilla comportará multas de no más de 100 euros. En declaraciones