The Sun God
Well-Known Member
There's the Plymouth to Santander route which departs just down the road from me. It takes blooming AGES and if you take a car it costs an absolute fortune. Going by road is fine if there are about 4 of you to share the costs but solo there is no way this is going to be an economic option. Plus it's quite a drive to Barca from Santander and then you have another ferry !
I did it in 1999. it wasn't cheap but I really enjoyed that route! me and 3 other 20 somethings getting sloshed in the ferry disco as we crossed the bay of biscay. not as rough as legend has it. Nearly a whole day but you keep yourself busy.
I also love driving through France (see older threads)
On Caledonian the air hostesses used to wear short(ish) tartan skirts, always a bit of a plus that
Dan Air were, er, interesting - felt like they were held together by sellotape. In fact they probably were...
But the best airline I have never flown with is Yorkshire Airlines
Dan Air hahahaha - blast from the past! absolutely disgusting planes
my fave was the wonderfully-named SPANTAX which actually went bust whilst we were checking our bags in. that was a long night...