Well-Known Member
new rules for the balearics, as far as I understood to go into effect tomorrow (I'll confirm when I know for sure, but mrs armengol said it'll be in the BOE which comes out each day, so in effect at midnight tonight)
flights and ferries restricted to:
- one flight per day, company and direction between the islands
- one flight per day, company and direction between ibiza, valencia, barcelona and madrid
- private flights (national AND international) prohibited
- ferry connections between islands and to/from mainland also limited to a minimum of departures. formentera - ibiza just three connections a day.

Fomento blindará el espacio aéreo y marítimo de Balears para evitar la propagación del virus
Sólo habrá un vuelo diario por compañía de Madrid y Barcelona a Ibiza, se prohíbe la entrada de aviones privados y el tráfico de pasajeros por mar. Sólo habrá tres conexiones marítimas al día entre las Pitiüses