Circo Loco @ DC10 2024 - Reviews & Reports

Saw some vids of Anyma....never heard of him before....looked awful, just like upside down man but in the dancing more than the crowd, dancefloor barely moving even after the drop. A madness.....I know I am old now in clubbing years but hard to believe how much it has changed! Sorry I know I sound like a knob! Haha

The Main Room was the opposite of this thankfully. Didn’t actually see many (if any) in there.
Finally getting around to writing something on last Monday (10 June).

Got into Circo about 21:30 with Adam Port in the garden. Probably the busiest I’ve ever seen the garden at that time (I never do Circo opening/closing). You literally had to push through to get to the bar on the right at 21:30!

I’ll say it upfront to get the negativity out the way, but Adam Port’s set just bored me. So many people there, and I’m really not sure many people were really into it, they just thought they had to be there as one of the Keinemusik guys was playing. The low point for me was the track below that reminded me of being a 7 year old and my teacher playing the flute as kids danced around a May Pole. Maybe adding a May Pole to the garden was what was needed / might have made it more interesting.

The dance around the May Pole track (from about 1:30mins in)

Went into the Terrace about 22:30 for the start of the Ben UFO. Kind of understood why they had him early, as the opposite of Adam Port, so top programming from Circo. Was playing his usual style but not quite so heavy. Captured the mood and Terrace was busy very early.

Terrace got really busy when garden closed, so went into Main Room and never really moved, and even that was more busy than usual IMO.

From 2300 to end of Ame’s set just after 04:00 I hardly moved.

Looked into the Terrace but it was one of those nights you struggled to even get on it. Anyma obviously attracted a certain crowd that had phones out in force for the 5 mins I saw. Maybe there had just been a drop and the phones were put away after?

Back to the Main Room which Nick described as “two fingers to the Terrace”, and summed it up quite well.

Did all of Pional’s set which I thought was brilliant. Much more on the Techno of things of old. Totally loved it.

DJ Tennis then took it to even higher level. On absolute top form for 2 hours and best set I think I’ve had from him.

Ame (DJ) started to take it a bit deeper, but in the end more rolling techno from him too, so in all 5 hours of absolute heaven between Pional, Tennis and Ame.

A few things I captured, but wasn’t on a Shazam hunt, music was too good.


DJ Tennis
A even more techno version of this towards end of set was a good moment
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WTF with the 1 July party line up, just released ? Looks so un- DC10.

Is it going to be an EDM party ?
DC10 still not in the Ibiza Spotlight Clubbing Calendar....come on guys, what's going on? So what if you don't sell the tickets, this is a top class resource with a massive glaring omission